The Testimony of Carl Sanders Inventor of the Microchip
“What I found about the FIRES! You wont like it!!!”
Will Trump Unite Canada with the USA? | Prophecy Wire
“5,720 views Streamed live on Jan 8, 2025 #ProphecyWire #Prophecyfufilled #Probation
Shocking current events are unfolding, and prophecy seems to be unraveling before our very eyes! In this captivating episode of Prophecy Wire on Amazing Discoveries, MacKenzie Drebit dives into stunning developments: Justin Trudeau steps down, and Donald Trump proposes uniting Canada and Greenland as the 51st state of the U.S. Could this bold move align with biblical prophecy? What does the Bible say about shifting borders, changing powers, and God’s ultimate plan? Explore what Trump’s vision means for national security, trade, and the prophetic timeline. Why does his map exclude Mexico, and what is the connection to the Club of Rome? Stay tuned for answers to pressing questions: What are the ten horns that haven’t received power? Who is the beast, and how do these events tie to the Roman papal system? MacKenzie explains the critical signs of a universal rebellion, the close of probation, and the rise of satanic forces.
This is WHY the Rapture MUST happen soon! Evidence of recent real world events that the Bible prophesied about 2000 years ago.
10 min clip. Full version at
Lookin’ Up is a favored page for short clips and previews of various channels in one convenient place! All posts are researched, created or edited by sister Bri.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 10:9
John 3:16
Ephesians 2:8-9
𝑹𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
Revelation 3:10
1 Corinthians 15:52
Matthew 24:40-41
John 14:3
Titus 2:13
Every 100 years; Satan and Falling Angels, planning ………. In 1871 Albert Pike,
Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For The Three World Wars
In 1871 Albert Pike envisioned three World Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster. Pike’s plans have come to fruition, shockingly ‘on target’. Who is Pike and perhaps more importantly who backed Pike?
Albert Pike’s letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871:
- “The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”
- “The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”
- “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
Illuminati (Twenty-six families) and 33rd Freemasonry as they’ve “Slavery”……….
88,917 views Jun 22, “2013”
USA Inc NASA War Documents Depopulation & You – Deborah Tavares Trevor Coppola – Conspiracy Con
A rtunes video. Deborah Tavares explores some of the ways depopulation may occur and everyday things we are exposed to may be used as weapons against the people. If Depopulation is the objective these may be the tools to do just that. Filmed at Conspiracy Con 2013 (If you are in the USA and cant see Mr Hilders Channel on YouTube go to the bottom of your youtube page and change your country and you should be able to see the Channel)
(Assassinate JFK – “Kennedy assassination” redirects here. For the assassination of John’s brother Robert, see Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. “November 22, 1963” redirects here. For the date, see November 22, 1963 (Friday). JFK CONSPIRACY | Was the Assassination a Government Plot? | Documentary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9RvCrc8Jto )
2,468 views Nov 24, 2024 #FilmIsNow #freemovies
The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, and the subsequent murder of prime suspect Lee Harvey Oswald by night club owner Jack Ruby have spurred numerous conspiracy theories. The truth is slowly uncovered in JFK Conspiracy. Directed by: Patrick Ray Gallows Starring: David D.
“CFR (Council on Foreign Relations (“or Illuminati”)
(20 January 1961 – John F. Kennedy officially took office as President of the United States. During his brilliant state of the union address Kennedy said, “The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.” And Kennedy clarified his position by stating his, “unwillingness to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed”.
Before Eisenhower left office he allowed the appropriation of $46,000,000 dollars to pay for a CIA scheme to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. When Kennedy was told about the plan he voiced serious doubts, but he didn’t want to be seen as soft on communism and his advisers convinced him that Castro was an unpopular leader with the Cuban people. Dulles and others in the CIA theorized-fantasized that the Cuban citizens would hear of the attack and help the CIA trained Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro. Kennedy decided the plan’s requirement of 16 U.S. Navy planes was too obvious and would reveal American military involvement. He cut the number down to six. As the date of the invasion neared, Kennedy had second thoughts and decided against the plan altogether. At a press conference on April 12, 2006, five days before the invasion, President Kennedy was asked if the U.S. government was making preparations to stage an uprising in Cuba. The President answered; “First, I want to say that there will not be, under any conditions, an intervention in Cuba by the United States Armed Forces. This government will do everything it possibly can. I think it can meet its responsibilities, to make sure that there are no Americans involved in any actions inside Cuba? The basic issue in Cuba is not one between the United States and Cuba. It is between the Cubans themselves.”
Allen Dulles, ignored the warning contained within Kennedy’s announcement and on April 12, 1961 proceeded with attack preparations, giving the order to CIA official Fletcher Prouty to make the delivery of three ships to then CIA agent George Bush for use in the invasion. Bush christened the ships the Barbara, the Houston, and the Zapata – after his oil company that later flopped. Bush had spent 1960 and ’61 recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles in Miami for the invasion. He was living in Texas with his wife Barbara and flying from Houston to Miami weekly. It was during this time that Bush met Felix Rodriguez, the CIA operative who had hunted down and murdered Che Guevara. Bush and Rodriguez spent nearly two years working closely with the right wing Cuban community building their hopes and trust, and training them as marksman for the invasion.
1961 – The Kennedy administration ordered a top secret study, to determine the problems facing the United States if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace.
14 April 1961 – A total of five merchant ships carrying a paramilitary force of 1,400 Cuban exiles arrived at the Bay of Pigs, Cuba. The landing and subsequent battle went badly from the start. Two of the ships were sunk including the ship carrying most of the equipment and supplies. Two of the planes that were attempting to provide air cover were shot down. The CIA requested that Kennedy immediately call in more planes and military reinforcements, but Kennedy would not allow America to be manipulated into a conflict with Cuba and a potential war with Russia. Within seventy-two hours the ‘Bay of Pigs’ invasion had ended in tragic defeat. Instead of fueling the conflict into a raging inferno, which threatened to engulf the world, Kennedy had allowed the flames of war to flicker and die. The CIA and others in the extremist ‘right’ were bitterly angry with Kennedy for his refusal to provide air cover. The CIA had lost 15 men; another 1100 of their faithful Cuban exiles were captured. All those whom young George H. Bush had inspired to arms with his words, all those who had believed in him, trusted him, and befriended him were gone – imprisoned or killed. From that day forward, there was a bitter hatred for the imagined betrayal by Kennedy.
1 September 1961 – “The directors of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations (“or Illuminati”) make up a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation.”
The Christian Science Monitor, September 1, l961.
February 1962 – “The United Nations, he told an audience at Harvard University, ‘has not been able–nor can it be able–to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand.’ … The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, ‘urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.'” Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, in an article entitled “Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order” — The New York Times.
13 March 1962 – The Northwood’s document was brought to Kennedy’s attention. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Allen Dulles had drawn up a plan to launch a series of terrorist attacks within the United States, combined with a media blitz blaming Cuba for the attacks. They believed this would frighten the American public into overwhelmingly supporting a second invasion of Cuba. The Northwood’s plan called for Pentagon and CIA paramilitary forces to sink ships, hijack airliners and bomb buildings. When Kennedy heard of their plan, he was furious. The corrupt military industrial power structure within the American government knew no bounds, not even the lives of their own countrymen mattered in their quest for power and profit. Kennedy removed CIA director Allen Dulles, deputy director Richard Bissell and General Lyman Lemnitzer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for their parts in the plan. Within weeks Prescott Bush who had close dealings with these individuals, chose to retire prematurely from politics for supposed health reasons.
Kennedy realized that the CIA was a focal point of corporate war planning, from which emanated a secret agenda that threatened the security and freedom of the American people. He said, “I will shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds”. Kennedy intended to do battle with a terrible evil and take America back from the military industrial complex and those who financed it. He began by founding a panel that would investigate the CIA’s numerous crimes. He put a damper on the breadth and scope of the CIA, limiting their ability to act under National Security Memorandum 55.
1962 – Cuban Missile crisis …..provoke Russia…..failed due to JFK, by embargo and challenging Russia instead of conducting an attack. For starting WWIII.
With the CIA temporarily under control he turned his attention to the task of gathering real information on the war by sending McNamara and Taylor, two aides he trusted, to Vietnam. Based on their memo entitled, Report of McNamara-Taylor Mission to South Vietnam, Kennedy decided that America needed to withdraw immediately from the unwinnable and immoral Vietnam War. Kennedy personally helped draft the final version of a report wherein it stated; “The Defense Department should announce in the very near future presently prepared plans to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963.” Kennedy soon issued National Security Action Memorandum 263 and forty pages in the Gravel Pentagon Papers that were devoted to the withdrawal plan. With this new Memorandum Kennedy began to implement the removal of U.S. forces from Vietnam.
Many individuals in the U.S. government were CFR members, an organization that was openly pushing the Vietnam War, and these same people had close ties to the privately owned Federal Reserve banking system, a chief financial promoter and profiteer of war. Kennedy intended to stop the Vietnam War and all future wars waged for profit by America. He intended to regain control of the American people’s government and their country by cutting off the military industrial complex and Federal Reserve banking system’s money supply.
Kennedy launched his brilliant attack using the Constitution, which states “Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value.” Kennedy stopped the Federal Reserve banking system from printing money and lending it to the government at interest by signing Executive Order 11,110 on June 4, 1963. The order called for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 (4.3 trillion) in United States Notes through the U.S. treasury rather than the Federal Reserve banking system. He also signed a bill backing the one and two-dollar bills with gold which added strength to the new government issued currency. Kennedy’s comptroller James J. Saxon encouraged broader investment and lending powers for banks that were not part of the Federal Reserve System. He also encouraged these non-Fed banks to deal directly with and underwrite state and local financial institutions. By taking the capital investments away from the Federal Reserve banks, Kennedy would break them up and destroy them.
It was at this time that the corrupt politicos and CFR members, representatives of organizations who stood to profit most from the Vietnam War and loose the most from the Federal Reserve deconstruction revealed themselves publicly as a group against President Kennedy. They were all considered the pillars of right wing American establishment and their protests and accusations became more bellicose after initial troop withdrawal plans were announced on November 16, 1963. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Morgan and Rockefeller interests and the CIA had been extensively intertwined for years in promoting the Vietnam War and other wars, and their motives were the same.
Kennedy was facing the fight of his young life against a group of wealthy powerful bankers and industrialists who had their representatives deeply implanted within American Government and business. The names of some of these people and the organizations they represented were:
• Nelson Rockefeller – New York Governor
• David Rockefeller – Chase Manhattan Bank president, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission
• Douglas Dillon – Kennedy’s Treasury Secretary and CFR member
• The Wall Street Journal
• Fortune Magazine editor Charles J. V. Murphy
• Dean Rusk – Secretary of State and Iron Mountain panel member
• Robert McNamara – Secretary of Defense until 1968, and later President of the World Bank (an adjunct of the United Nations and CFR)
• McGeorge Bundy – National Security Advisor and Iron Mountain panel member
• William Bundy – editor of the CFR’s Foreign Affairs
• Averill Harriman – director of the Mutual Security Agency, and chief of the Anglo-American military alliance.
• Henry Cabot Lodge – U.S. Ambassador to Saigon
• The Joint Chiefs of Staff
• John J. McCloy – Assistant Secretary of War (WWII) and Kennedy advisor
• Cyrus Vance – Secretary of the Army
• Walt Rostow – State Department’s Policy Planning Council and LBJ’s National Security Advisor
• Dean Acheson – Truman Secretary of State and Democratic foreign policy advisor
Prime Minister Diem was loosing control of South Vietnam and growing impatient with the American war. He had begun negotiations with Ho Chi Minh, leader of the North, which unlike the Vietnamese election could not be prevented or rigged. A potential unification might occur quickly. The Vietnam War moneymaking engine was in grave danger from both the actions of Diem and Kennedy. The military industrial complex had their cadre Henry Cabot Lodge conveniently positioned within the US State Department and the Kennedy administration as a Vietnam War advisor and U.S. Ambassador to Saigon. Lodge made secret arrangements with CIA operatives in Vietnam to have Diem assassinated on November 2, 1963. Kennedy had not authorized such an order and after Diem’s assassination he immediately instituted an investigation to find out who was responsible.
Ten days later on November 12, 1963 Kennedy publicly stated, in a speech delivered to hundreds of students and teachers at Columbia University; “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American people’s freedom, and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.”
Eight days later on November 20, 1963 Vietnam War advisor Walt Whitman Rostow was somehow granted a personal meeting with Kennedy to attempt to sell him on the Vietnam War with a plan he called “a well-reasoned case for a gradual escalation”. Kennedy had already rejected a similar plan to escalate the war in 1961, he had publicly announced his own plan of withdrawal from the war, but the corrupt power structure wouldn’t accept it. The meeting was Kennedy’s last chance. Within days of rejecting Rostow’s transparent plan for war, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who had alone dared to stand against the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve banking system, was murdered in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m. CST on November 22, 1963, in a bloody “coup d’état”, only twenty days after Diem.
On that day America ceased to be a democracy of, by, and for the people. From that day forward the leaders of the American government have only been the willing puppets of corporations and an international banking cartel that profits from war.
The day after Kennedy’s brutal murder, the 23rd of November 1963, CIA director John McCone personally delivered the pre-prepared National Security Memorandum #278 to the White House. The handlers of newly installed President Lyndon B. Johnson needed to modify the policy lines of peace pursued by Kennedy. Classified document #278 reversed John Kennedy’s decision to de-escalate the war in Vietnam by negating Security Action Memorandum 263, and the Gravel Pentagon Papers. The issuance of Memorandum 278 gave the Central Intelligence Agency immediate funding and approval to sharply escalate the Vietnam conflict into a full-scale war.
1963 – “The case for government by elites is irrefutable”. Senator William Fulbright, Former chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated at a 1963 symposium entitled: The Elite and the Electorate – Is Government by the People Possible?
17 June 1963 – A major attack on religion was the U.S. Supreme Court decision on June 17, 1963 which held (without Constitutional precedent) that reciting the Lord’s Prayer or Bible verses in public schools was unconstitutional.
killed by “One World” conspirators – News media reports only one gunman (Lee Harvey Oswald) – 5 bullets found from different guns. Prime, witnesses for multiple gunman theory found dead or missing. Within days of rejecting Rostow’s transparent plan for war, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who had alone dared to stand against the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve banking system, was murdered in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m. CST on, in a bloody “coup d’état”, only twenty days after Diem.
* NOTE: Jack Kennedy, during his term of office as the President of the United States, became a Christian. In his attempt to “repent,” he tried to inform the people of this Nation (at least twice) that the Office of the President of the United States was being manipulated by the Illuminati/CFR. At the same time, he put a stop to the “borrowing” of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States. It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be “assassinated.”
Upon taking the Oath of Office; Lynden B. Johnson stopped the issuing of the United States Notes and went back to borrowing Federal Reserve Bank Notes (which were loaned to the people of the United States at the going rate of interest of 17%). The U.S. Notes, that were issued under John F. Kennedy, were of the 1963 series which bore a “Red” seal on the face of the “Note.”
(23 November 1963 – The day after Kennedy’s brutal murder, CIA director John McCone personally delivered 1961 – 1963 – “In 1961 the Kennedy administration ordered a top secret study, to determine the problems facing the United States if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace.
By 1963, the selection of specialists had been made. The final study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines, selected for their expertise in their respective fields. Their first and last meetings were held at an underground nuclear survival retreat called Iron Mountain.
August 1963, the Kennedy Administration (primarily Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara) commissioned a study by a group of fifteen researchers to evaluate the impact on the government of world peace and to suggest means other than war to keep the population under control.
The Special Study Group, as it was called, first met in Iron Mountain, an underground nuclear bomb shelter in Hudson, New York used by many large corporations as a survival facility. They met in secrecy at various locations throughout the country over a 2 1/2-year period. In March 1966, they wrote a secret report called The Report of the Special Study Group on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, more commonly known as The Report from Iron Mountain.
The report was not intended for public release but one of the members felt that it was too important to conceal and released a copy to Dial Press, which published it in 1967.
“Report From Iron Mountain” by Leonard C. Lewin
“The report’s basic conclusion was that lasting peace was probably unattainable and even if it could be achieved, it would not be in the best interests of a stable society to achieve it.
This 108-page report is mind-boggling; among its startling recommendations are the following:
Create environmental hoaxes to keep people worried about ecology. [Thus the global Warming hoax]
Spend massive sums on space exploration programs.
Spend massive sums on arms-control inspection programs.
Create UFO scares of invasions by extraterrestrial enemies.
[Thus the elaborate UFO and alien hoax]
Encourage “blood games” for “social purification”.
This study was concluded in 1966. President Lyndon Johnson gave the order that the report was never to be released, due to the nature of the conclusions reached. One of the men involved in this study elected to release it to the public, at great risk to himself, under the name of John Doe. It was published in 1967 by Dial Press. The establishment promptly renounced it as a hoax. It was no hoax. Iron Mountain is not hard to obtain, and many large libraries still have copies of it.
Please note that all of these recommendations have been implemented, which tends to confirm the authenticity of the report.”
The Iron Mountain commission and report, I submit was not a hoax or satire within itself. It was just another Bilderberger type commission that went public.
20 November 1963 – Eight days later on Vietnam War advisor Walt Whitman Rostow was somehow granted a personal meeting with Kennedy to attempt to sell him on the Vietnam War with a plan he called “a well-reasoned case for a gradual escalation”. Kennedy had already rejected a similar plan to escalate the war in 1961, he had publicly announced his own plan of withdrawal from the war, but the corrupt power structure wouldn’t accept it. The meeting was Kennedy’s last chance.
22 November 1963 – President John Kennedy the pre-prepared National Security Memorandum #278 to the White House. The handlers of newly installed President Lyndon B. Johnson needed to modify the policy lines of peace pursued by Kennedy. Classified document #278 reversed John Kennedy’s decision to de-escalate the war in Vietnam by negating Security Action Memorandum 263, and the Gravel Pentagon Papers. The issuance of Memorandum 278 gave the Central Intelligence Agency immediate funding and approval to sharply escalate the Vietnam conflict into a full-scale war.
1963 – Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald – Ruby dies in jail of mysterious illness.
27 November 1963 – An interview was conducted and article was published this date in the New York Republic. It was written pm by Jean Daniel, foreign editor of L’Express which was a French newspaper. He reports that he had made a recent trip to the U.S. and then to Cuba, which enabled him to establish in effect a dialogue between President Kennedy and Premier Fidel Castro. He first interviewed JFK and then presented his views to “Dr. Castro”. He was to return for a second interview with JFK after having heard Dr. Castro’s remarks on U.S. Policy. From reading Dr. Castro’s comments, it is apparent that those who would even begin to believe that Castro was remotely responsible for the Assassination of JFK is ALL WET. General de Gualle felt that communism in Cuba was only the accidental and temporary form of the will to be independent from the United States. In any case, when questioned, JFK was quite emphatic.
Quote: “I will tell you this: We know perfectly what has happened in Cuba, to the unhappiness of all of us. I have followed personally since the beginning, the evolution of these events with grave concern. There are few matters to which I have devoted so much attention. The conclusions that I have drawn go much further than the European analyses.”
“I think that there is not a country in the world including all the regions of Africa, and including any country under colonial colonization, the humiliation, the exploitation have been worse than those which ravaged Cuba, the result in part of the policy of my country, during the regime of Batista. I think that we spawned, constructed, entirely fabricated, without knowing it, the Castro movement. I think that the accumulation of such errors has endangered all of Latin America. The Alliance for Progress has no other aim than to reverse this disastrous course.”
“In a certain sense, it is as though Batista were the incarnation of some of the sins committed by the United States. Now we must pay for those sins.” The New York Republic and Jean Daniel published this double interview on November 27, 1963. The New York Times published it on December 11, 1963. “
JFK: “There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot” Pres. JF Kennedy – 7 Days before his assassination.
JFK: “For we are opposed around the world by a MONLITHIC AND RUTHLESS CONSPIRACY that relies on Covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on Subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on Guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a Tightly Knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, Diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations”
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
— John F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961
John Kennedy found out shortly after he spoke these words that the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” was also at home in the United States. It was surely one of the causes of his assassination for in those days few knew of the treasonous behavior of Corporate and Banking Warlords. In our time, the greedy warlords are proud of what they do and the government supports them in full knowledge that transnationalism is destroying America.
Revelation 18:23 King James Version (KJV)
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
17 June 1963 – A major attack on religion was the U.S. Supreme Court decision on June 17, 1963 which held (without Constitutional precedent) that reciting the Lord’s Prayer or Bible verses in public schools was unconstitutional.
1961 – 1963 – “In 1961 the Kennedy administration ordered a top secret study, to determine the problems facing the United States if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace.
By 1963, the selection of specialists had been made. The final study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines, selected for their expertise in their respective fields. Their first and last meetings were held at an underground nuclear survival retreat called Iron Mountain.
August 1963, the Kennedy Administration (primarily Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara) commissioned a study by a group of fifteen researchers to evaluate the impact on the government of world peace and to suggest means other than war to keep the population under control.
The Special Study Group, as it was called, first met in Iron Mountain, an underground nuclear bomb shelter in Hudson, New York used by many large corporations as a survival facility. They met in secrecy at various locations throughout the country over a 2 1/2-year period. In March 1966, they wrote a secret report called The Report of the Special Study Group on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, more commonly known as The Report from Iron Mountain.
The report was not intended for public release but one of the members felt that it was too important to conceal and released a copy to Dial Press, which published it in 1967.
The report’s basic conclusion was that lasting peace was probably unattainable and even if it could be achieved, it would not be in the best interests of a stable society to achieve it.
This 108-page report is mind-boggling; among its startling recommendations are the following:
Create environmental hoaxes to keep people worried about ecology. [Thus the global Warming hoax]
Spend massive sums on space exploration programs.
Spend massive sums on arms-control inspection programs.
Create UFO scares of invasions by extraterrestrial enemies.
[Thus the elaborate UFO and alien hoax]
Encourage “blood games” for “social purification”. (WWE WrestleMania, mixed martial arts matches)
This study was concluded in 1966. President Lyndon Johnson gave the order that the report was never to be released, due to the nature of the conclusions reached. One of the men involved in this study elected to release it to the public, at great risk to himself, under the name of John Doe. It was published in 1967 by Dial Press. The establishment promptly renounced it as a hoax. It was no hoax. Iron Mountain is not hard to obtain, and many large libraries still have copies of it.
Please note that all of these recommendations have been implemented, which tends to confirm the authenticity of the report.”
The Iron Mountain commission and report, I submit was not a hoax or satire within itself. It was just another Bilderberger type commission that went public.
This report set the stage for control of the Population starting in the early 1960’s….
The Iron Mountain commission and report, I submit was not a hoax or satire within itself. It was just another Bilderberger type commission that went public
Substitutes for the Functions of War: Models
The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. That they may not have been originally set forth for that purpose does not preclude or invalidate their possible application here.
1. Economic. a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward maximum improvement of general conditions of human life.
b) A giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets.
c) A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system.
2. Political. a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies.
3. Sociological: Control function. a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model. b) A modern, sophisticated form of slavery. Motivational function. a) Intensified environmental pollution. b) New religious or other mythologies. c) Socially oriented blood games. d) Combination forms.
4. Ecological. A comprehensive program of applied eugenics.
5. Cultural. No replacement institution offered. Scientific. The secondary requirements of the space research, social welfare, and/or eugenics programs.
20 November 1963 – Eight days later on Vietnam War advisor Walt Whitman Rostow was somehow granted a personal meeting with Kennedy to attempt to sell him on the Vietnam War with a plan he called “a well-reasoned case for a gradual escalation”. Kennedy had already rejected a similar plan to escalate the war in 1961, he had publicly announced his own plan of withdrawal from the war, but the corrupt power structure wouldn’t accept it. The meeting was Kennedy’s last chance.
22 November 1963 – President John Kennedy killed by “One World” conspirators – News media reports only one gunman (Lee Harvey Oswald) – 5 bullets found from different guns. Prime, witnesses for multiple gunman theory found dead or missing. Within days of rejecting Rostow’s transparent plan for war, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who had alone dared to stand against the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve banking system, was murdered in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m. CST on, in a bloody “coup d’état”, only twenty days after Diem.
* NOTE: Jack Kennedy, during his term of office as the President of the United States, became a Christian. In his attempt to “repent,” he tried to inform the people of this Nation (at least twice) that the Office of the President of the United States was being manipulated by the Illuminati/CFR. At the same time, he put a stop to the “borrowing” of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States. It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be “assassinated.”
Upon taking the Oath of Office; Lynden B. Johnson stopped the issuing of the United States Notes and went back to borrowing Federal Reserve Bank Notes (which were loaned to the people of the United States at the going rate of interest of 17%). The U.S. Notes, that were issued under John F. Kennedy, were of the 1963 series which bore a “Red” seal on the face of the “Note.”
23 November 1963 – The day after Kennedy’s brutal murder, CIA director John McCone personally delivered the pre-prepared National Security Memorandum #278 to the White House. The handlers of newly installed President Lyndon B. Johnson needed to modify the policy lines of peace pursued by Kennedy. Classified document #278 reversed John Kennedy’s decision to de-escalate the war in Vietnam by negating Security Action Memorandum 263, and the Gravel Pentagon Papers. The issuance of Memorandum 278 gave the Central Intelligence Agency immediate funding and approval to sharply escalate the Vietnam conflict into a full-scale war.
1963 – Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald – Ruby dies in jail of mysterious illness.
27 November 1963 – An interview was conducted and article was published this date in the New York Republic. It was written pm by Jean Daniel, foreign editor of L’Express which was a French newspaper. He reports that he had made a recent trip to the U.S. and then to Cuba, which enabled him to establish in effect a dialogue between President Kennedy and Premier Fidel Castro. He first interviewed JFK and then presented his views to “Dr. Castro”. He was to return for a second interview with JFK after having heard Dr. Castro’s remarks on U.S. Policy. From reading Dr. Castro’s comments, it is apparent that those who would even begin to believe that Castro was remotely responsible for the Assassination of JFK is ALL WET. General de Gualle felt that communism in Cuba was only the accidental and temporary form of the will to be independent from the United States. In any case, when questioned, JFK was quite emphatic.
Quote: “I will tell you this: We know perfectly what has happened in Cuba, to the unhappiness of all of us. I have followed personally since the beginning, the evolution of these events with grave concern. There are few matters to which I have devoted so much attention. The conclusions that I have drawn go much further than the European analyses.”
“I think that there is not a country in the world including all the regions of Africa, and including any country under colonial colonization, the humiliation, the exploitation have been worse than those which ravaged Cuba, the result in part of the policy of my country, during the regime of Batista. I think that we spawned, constructed, entirely fabricated, without knowing it, the Castro movement. I think that the accumulation of such errors has endangered all of Latin America. The Alliance for Progress has no other aim than to reverse this disastrous course.”
“In a certain sense, it is as though Batista were the incarnation of some of the sins committed by the United States. Now we must pay for those sins.” The New York Republic and Jean Daniel published this double interview on November 27, 1963. The New York Times published it on December 11, 1963.
11 December 1963 – The New York Times published the article. President Kennedy was assassinated three weeks before this date.
1963 – Planned combat in Vietnam, for profit and provoke Russia to WWIII. Almost failed due to JFK, but JFK was assassinated due to non cooperation with the NWO and his discovery of this process involving the NWO. Robert Kennedy was also assassinated in 1968, due to his love of country and possibly winning the election, thus he had to go. Martin Luther King, because he was bringing peace to the racial hatred issues.
* NOTE: Jack Kennedy, during his term of office as the President of the United States, became a Christian. In his attempt to “repent,” he tried to inform the people of this Nation (at least twice) that the Office of the President of the United States was being manipulated by the Illuminati/CFR. At the same time, he put a stop to the “borrowing” of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States. It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be “assassinated.” Upon taking the Oath of Office; Lynden B. Johnson stopped the issuing of the United States Notes and went back to borrowing Federal Reserve Bank Notes (which were loaned to the people of the United States at the going rate of interest of 17%). The U.S. Notes, that were issued under John F. Kennedy, were of the 1963 series which bore a “Red” seal on the face of the “Note.”
1964 – “The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future.” U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in his l964 book: With No Apologies.
“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.”
~ Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
“I’d find a way to incorporate something in the graphics, usually small and out of the way — maybe a reference to the Illuminati or Freemasonry — just to f*ck with anyone who noticed it. I also liked using symbols created by John Dee, who was a 16th century alchemist and occultist, like the esoteric Monas Hieroglyphica, or just simple, but well-known things like the pentagram or the eye in the pyramid.”
~ Anonymous as told to Gabriella Garcia
(uncensored in original text)
Two sides of the same coin…
Now we have an alternative though, right? Good old “Make America Great Again” is going to “drain the swamp”, hooray!
Sadly, some people fell for this propaganda. All I’ve seen is Mr. Trump backing his massive dump truck up to the swamp and filling it with the most vile, slime covered, Golman Sucks, scum of the earth swamp creatures that we’ve seen with other puppets before him and more. He bows down to kiss the hand of Rothschild’s by supporting Israel and not only continuing, but seemingly escalating things in the middle east. The Project For The New American Century is carried forward just as it was before.
The “right wing” and the “left wing” are two wings attached to the same bird. The “New World Order” agenda of global domination and control marches on regardless of which puppet the slaves select to be their next master.
“Socialism needs two legs on which to stand; a right and a left.
While appearing to be in complete opposition to one another,
they both march in the same direction.”
— Paul Proctor
Now……..The Truth!!!!!
Why Trump Is Partnering With Christian Nationalists | Robert Reich
Donald Trump keeps comparing himself to Jesus. Whether he actually has a messiah complex or is just conning his supporters, he’s playing to a growing GOP faction that wants America to be a white Christian Nationalist state, with Donald Trump as a divine ruler. Be Warned.
WHAT????? HA!!!!!
Trump Talks About Jesus
Donald Trump Becomes a Christian? Did Donald Trump Get Saved? Is He a Born Again Christian?
How Trump talks about his faith: ‘God is the ultimate’
‘God is the ultimate’: How Trump talks about his faith
Trump has “great realtionship” with God
All your vote did was make you morally culpable for the atrocities being carried out in your name.
The president is nothing but a puppet on the throne for those who are really in power. Do you think maybe FDR knew a thing or two about this? They have been planning thing; New World Order.
Even a brief view into history reveals the parasitic manner in which the ruling class has infiltrated the US government to ensure that their status quo will remain. Their NWO plan will continue to unfold regardless of who the president is.
The lie is in thinking it makes a difference whether it was Bernie, Hillary, Putin, Biden or Trump all Freemasons. Trump and Biden are Jesuits.
What I found about the FIRES! You wont like it!!!
Right now! Signs foretold in the Bible & we know what’s next!
3 min clip. Full length version at
If you recognize Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have nothing to fear. Do not worry about what is coming because our God is in control. Put your faith in Christ and be ready at any moment!! He is coming soon
The Testimony of Carl Sanders Inventor of the Microchip
“What I found about the FIRES! You wont like it!!!”
Will Trump Unite Canada with the USA? | Prophecy Wire
“5,720 views Streamed live on Jan 8, 2025 #ProphecyWire #Prophecyfufilled #Probation
Shocking current events are unfolding, and prophecy seems to be unraveling before our very eyes! In this captivating episode of Prophecy Wire on Amazing Discoveries, MacKenzie Drebit dives into stunning developments: Justin Trudeau steps down, and Donald Trump proposes uniting Canada and Greenland as the 51st state of the U.S. Could this bold move align with biblical prophecy? What does the Bible say about shifting borders, changing powers, and God’s ultimate plan? Explore what Trump’s vision means for national security, trade, and the prophetic timeline. Why does his map exclude Mexico, and what is the connection to the Club of Rome? Stay tuned for answers to pressing questions: What are the ten horns that haven’t received power? Who is the beast, and how do these events tie to the Roman papal system? MacKenzie explains the critical signs of a universal rebellion, the close of probation, and the rise of satanic forces.
This is WHY the Rapture MUST happen soon! Evidence of recent real world events that the Bible prophesied about 2000 years ago.
10 min clip. Full version at
Lookin’ Up is a favored page for short clips and previews of various channels in one convenient place! All posts are researched, created or edited by sister Bri.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 10:9
John 3:16
Ephesians 2:8-9
𝑹𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
Revelation 3:10
1 Corinthians 15:52
Matthew 24:40-41
John 14:3
Titus 2:13
Every 100 years; Satan and Falling Angels, planning ………. In 1871 Albert Pike,
Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For The Three World Wars
In 1871 Albert Pike envisioned three World Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster. Pike’s plans have come to fruition, shockingly ‘on target’. Who is Pike and perhaps more importantly who backed Pike?
Albert Pike’s letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871:
- “The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”
- “The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”
- “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
Illuminati (Twenty-six families) and 33rd Freemasonry as they’ve “Slavery”……….
88,917 views Jun 22, “2013”
USA Inc NASA War Documents Depopulation & You – Deborah Tavares Trevor Coppola – Conspiracy Con
A rtunes video. Deborah Tavares explores some of the ways depopulation may occur and everyday things we are exposed to may be used as weapons against the people. If Depopulation is the objective these may be the tools to do just that. Filmed at Conspiracy Con 2013 (If you are in the USA and cant see Mr Hilders Channel on YouTube go to the bottom of your youtube page and change your country and you should be able to see the Channel)
(Assassinate JFK – “Kennedy assassination” redirects here. For the assassination of John’s brother Robert, see Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. “November 22, 1963” redirects here. For the date, see November 22, 1963 (Friday). JFK CONSPIRACY | Was the Assassination a Government Plot? | Documentary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9RvCrc8Jto )
2,468 views Nov 24, 2024 #FilmIsNow #freemovies
The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, and the subsequent murder of prime suspect Lee Harvey Oswald by night club owner Jack Ruby have spurred numerous conspiracy theories. The truth is slowly uncovered in JFK Conspiracy. Directed by: Patrick Ray Gallows Starring: David D.
“CFR (Council on Foreign Relations (“or Illuminati”)
(20 January 1961 – John F. Kennedy officially took office as President of the United States. During his brilliant state of the union address Kennedy said, “The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.” And Kennedy clarified his position by stating his, “unwillingness to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed”.
Before Eisenhower left office he allowed the appropriation of $46,000,000 dollars to pay for a CIA scheme to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. When Kennedy was told about the plan he voiced serious doubts, but he didn’t want to be seen as soft on communism and his advisers convinced him that Castro was an unpopular leader with the Cuban people. Dulles and others in the CIA theorized-fantasized that the Cuban citizens would hear of the attack and help the CIA trained Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro. Kennedy decided the plan’s requirement of 16 U.S. Navy planes was too obvious and would reveal American military involvement. He cut the number down to six. As the date of the invasion neared, Kennedy had second thoughts and decided against the plan altogether. At a press conference on April 12, 2006, five days before the invasion, President Kennedy was asked if the U.S. government was making preparations to stage an uprising in Cuba. The President answered; “First, I want to say that there will not be, under any conditions, an intervention in Cuba by the United States Armed Forces. This government will do everything it possibly can. I think it can meet its responsibilities, to make sure that there are no Americans involved in any actions inside Cuba? The basic issue in Cuba is not one between the United States and Cuba. It is between the Cubans themselves.”
Allen Dulles, ignored the warning contained within Kennedy’s announcement and on April 12, 1961 proceeded with attack preparations, giving the order to CIA official Fletcher Prouty to make the delivery of three ships to then CIA agent George Bush for use in the invasion. Bush christened the ships the Barbara, the Houston, and the Zapata – after his oil company that later flopped. Bush had spent 1960 and ’61 recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles in Miami for the invasion. He was living in Texas with his wife Barbara and flying from Houston to Miami weekly. It was during this time that Bush met Felix Rodriguez, the CIA operative who had hunted down and murdered Che Guevara. Bush and Rodriguez spent nearly two years working closely with the right wing Cuban community building their hopes and trust, and training them as marksman for the invasion.
1961 – The Kennedy administration ordered a top secret study, to determine the problems facing the United States if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace.
14 April 1961 – A total of five merchant ships carrying a paramilitary force of 1,400 Cuban exiles arrived at the Bay of Pigs, Cuba. The landing and subsequent battle went badly from the start. Two of the ships were sunk including the ship carrying most of the equipment and supplies. Two of the planes that were attempting to provide air cover were shot down. The CIA requested that Kennedy immediately call in more planes and military reinforcements, but Kennedy would not allow America to be manipulated into a conflict with Cuba and a potential war with Russia. Within seventy-two hours the ‘Bay of Pigs’ invasion had ended in tragic defeat. Instead of fueling the conflict into a raging inferno, which threatened to engulf the world, Kennedy had allowed the flames of war to flicker and die. The CIA and others in the extremist ‘right’ were bitterly angry with Kennedy for his refusal to provide air cover. The CIA had lost 15 men; another 1100 of their faithful Cuban exiles were captured. All those whom young George H. Bush had inspired to arms with his words, all those who had believed in him, trusted him, and befriended him were gone – imprisoned or killed. From that day forward, there was a bitter hatred for the imagined betrayal by Kennedy.
1 September 1961 – “The directors of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations (“or Illuminati”) make up a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation.”
The Christian Science Monitor, September 1, l961.
February 1962 – “The United Nations, he told an audience at Harvard University, ‘has not been able–nor can it be able–to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand.’ … The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, ‘urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.'” Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, in an article entitled “Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order” — The New York Times.
13 March 1962 – The Northwood’s document was brought to Kennedy’s attention. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Allen Dulles had drawn up a plan to launch a series of terrorist attacks within the United States, combined with a media blitz blaming Cuba for the attacks. They believed this would frighten the American public into overwhelmingly supporting a second invasion of Cuba. The Northwood’s plan called for Pentagon and CIA paramilitary forces to sink ships, hijack airliners and bomb buildings. When Kennedy heard of their plan, he was furious. The corrupt military industrial power structure within the American government knew no bounds, not even the lives of their own countrymen mattered in their quest for power and profit. Kennedy removed CIA director Allen Dulles, deputy director Richard Bissell and General Lyman Lemnitzer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for their parts in the plan. Within weeks Prescott Bush who had close dealings with these individuals, chose to retire prematurely from politics for supposed health reasons.
Kennedy realized that the CIA was a focal point of corporate war planning, from which emanated a secret agenda that threatened the security and freedom of the American people. He said, “I will shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds”. Kennedy intended to do battle with a terrible evil and take America back from the military industrial complex and those who financed it. He began by founding a panel that would investigate the CIA’s numerous crimes. He put a damper on the breadth and scope of the CIA, limiting their ability to act under National Security Memorandum 55.
1962 – Cuban Missile crisis …..provoke Russia…..failed due to JFK, by embargo and challenging Russia instead of conducting an attack. For starting WWIII.
With the CIA temporarily under control he turned his attention to the task of gathering real information on the war by sending McNamara and Taylor, two aides he trusted, to Vietnam. Based on their memo entitled, Report of McNamara-Taylor Mission to South Vietnam, Kennedy decided that America needed to withdraw immediately from the unwinnable and immoral Vietnam War. Kennedy personally helped draft the final version of a report wherein it stated; “The Defense Department should announce in the very near future presently prepared plans to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963.” Kennedy soon issued National Security Action Memorandum 263 and forty pages in the Gravel Pentagon Papers that were devoted to the withdrawal plan. With this new Memorandum Kennedy began to implement the removal of U.S. forces from Vietnam.
Many individuals in the U.S. government were CFR members, an organization that was openly pushing the Vietnam War, and these same people had close ties to the privately owned Federal Reserve banking system, a chief financial promoter and profiteer of war. Kennedy intended to stop the Vietnam War and all future wars waged for profit by America. He intended to regain control of the American people’s government and their country by cutting off the military industrial complex and Federal Reserve banking system’s money supply.
Kennedy launched his brilliant attack using the Constitution, which states “Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value.” Kennedy stopped the Federal Reserve banking system from printing money and lending it to the government at interest by signing Executive Order 11,110 on June 4, 1963. The order called for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 (4.3 trillion) in United States Notes through the U.S. treasury rather than the Federal Reserve banking system. He also signed a bill backing the one and two-dollar bills with gold which added strength to the new government issued currency. Kennedy’s comptroller James J. Saxon encouraged broader investment and lending powers for banks that were not part of the Federal Reserve System. He also encouraged these non-Fed banks to deal directly with and underwrite state and local financial institutions. By taking the capital investments away from the Federal Reserve banks, Kennedy would break them up and destroy them.
It was at this time that the corrupt politicos and CFR members, representatives of organizations who stood to profit most from the Vietnam War and loose the most from the Federal Reserve deconstruction revealed themselves publicly as a group against President Kennedy. They were all considered the pillars of right wing American establishment and their protests and accusations became more bellicose after initial troop withdrawal plans were announced on November 16, 1963. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Morgan and Rockefeller interests and the CIA had been extensively intertwined for years in promoting the Vietnam War and other wars, and their motives were the same.
Kennedy was facing the fight of his young life against a group of wealthy powerful bankers and industrialists who had their representatives deeply implanted within American Government and business. The names of some of these people and the organizations they represented were:
• Nelson Rockefeller – New York Governor
• David Rockefeller – Chase Manhattan Bank president, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission
• Douglas Dillon – Kennedy’s Treasury Secretary and CFR member
• The Wall Street Journal
• Fortune Magazine editor Charles J. V. Murphy
• Dean Rusk – Secretary of State and Iron Mountain panel member
• Robert McNamara – Secretary of Defense until 1968, and later President of the World Bank (an adjunct of the United Nations and CFR)
• McGeorge Bundy – National Security Advisor and Iron Mountain panel member
• William Bundy – editor of the CFR’s Foreign Affairs
• Averill Harriman – director of the Mutual Security Agency, and chief of the Anglo-American military alliance.
• Henry Cabot Lodge – U.S. Ambassador to Saigon
• The Joint Chiefs of Staff
• John J. McCloy – Assistant Secretary of War (WWII) and Kennedy advisor
• Cyrus Vance – Secretary of the Army
• Walt Rostow – State Department’s Policy Planning Council and LBJ’s National Security Advisor
• Dean Acheson – Truman Secretary of State and Democratic foreign policy advisor
Prime Minister Diem was loosing control of South Vietnam and growing impatient with the American war. He had begun negotiations with Ho Chi Minh, leader of the North, which unlike the Vietnamese election could not be prevented or rigged. A potential unification might occur quickly. The Vietnam War moneymaking engine was in grave danger from both the actions of Diem and Kennedy. The military industrial complex had their cadre Henry Cabot Lodge conveniently positioned within the US State Department and the Kennedy administration as a Vietnam War advisor and U.S. Ambassador to Saigon. Lodge made secret arrangements with CIA operatives in Vietnam to have Diem assassinated on November 2, 1963. Kennedy had not authorized such an order and after Diem’s assassination he immediately instituted an investigation to find out who was responsible.
Ten days later on November 12, 1963 Kennedy publicly stated, in a speech delivered to hundreds of students and teachers at Columbia University; “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American people’s freedom, and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.”
Eight days later on November 20, 1963 Vietnam War advisor Walt Whitman Rostow was somehow granted a personal meeting with Kennedy to attempt to sell him on the Vietnam War with a plan he called “a well-reasoned case for a gradual escalation”. Kennedy had already rejected a similar plan to escalate the war in 1961, he had publicly announced his own plan of withdrawal from the war, but the corrupt power structure wouldn’t accept it. The meeting was Kennedy’s last chance. Within days of rejecting Rostow’s transparent plan for war, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who had alone dared to stand against the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve banking system, was murdered in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m. CST on November 22, 1963, in a bloody “coup d’état”, only twenty days after Diem.
On that day America ceased to be a democracy of, by, and for the people. From that day forward the leaders of the American government have only been the willing puppets of corporations and an international banking cartel that profits from war.
The day after Kennedy’s brutal murder, the 23rd of November 1963, CIA director John McCone personally delivered the pre-prepared National Security Memorandum #278 to the White House. The handlers of newly installed President Lyndon B. Johnson needed to modify the policy lines of peace pursued by Kennedy. Classified document #278 reversed John Kennedy’s decision to de-escalate the war in Vietnam by negating Security Action Memorandum 263, and the Gravel Pentagon Papers. The issuance of Memorandum 278 gave the Central Intelligence Agency immediate funding and approval to sharply escalate the Vietnam conflict into a full-scale war.
1963 – “The case for government by elites is irrefutable”. Senator William Fulbright, Former chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated at a 1963 symposium entitled: The Elite and the Electorate – Is Government by the People Possible?
17 June 1963 – A major attack on religion was the U.S. Supreme Court decision on June 17, 1963 which held (without Constitutional precedent) that reciting the Lord’s Prayer or Bible verses in public schools was unconstitutional.
killed by “One World” conspirators – News media reports only one gunman (Lee Harvey Oswald) – 5 bullets found from different guns. Prime, witnesses for multiple gunman theory found dead or missing. Within days of rejecting Rostow’s transparent plan for war, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who had alone dared to stand against the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve banking system, was murdered in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m. CST on, in a bloody “coup d’état”, only twenty days after Diem.
* NOTE: Jack Kennedy, during his term of office as the President of the United States, became a Christian. In his attempt to “repent,” he tried to inform the people of this Nation (at least twice) that the Office of the President of the United States was being manipulated by the Illuminati/CFR. At the same time, he put a stop to the “borrowing” of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States. It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be “assassinated.”
Upon taking the Oath of Office; Lynden B. Johnson stopped the issuing of the United States Notes and went back to borrowing Federal Reserve Bank Notes (which were loaned to the people of the United States at the going rate of interest of 17%). The U.S. Notes, that were issued under John F. Kennedy, were of the 1963 series which bore a “Red” seal on the face of the “Note.”
(23 November 1963 – The day after Kennedy’s brutal murder, CIA director John McCone personally delivered 1961 – 1963 – “In 1961 the Kennedy administration ordered a top secret study, to determine the problems facing the United States if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace.
By 1963, the selection of specialists had been made. The final study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines, selected for their expertise in their respective fields. Their first and last meetings were held at an underground nuclear survival retreat called Iron Mountain.
August 1963, the Kennedy Administration (primarily Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara) commissioned a study by a group of fifteen researchers to evaluate the impact on the government of world peace and to suggest means other than war to keep the population under control.
The Special Study Group, as it was called, first met in Iron Mountain, an underground nuclear bomb shelter in Hudson, New York used by many large corporations as a survival facility. They met in secrecy at various locations throughout the country over a 2 1/2-year period. In March 1966, they wrote a secret report called The Report of the Special Study Group on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, more commonly known as The Report from Iron Mountain.
The report was not intended for public release but one of the members felt that it was too important to conceal and released a copy to Dial Press, which published it in 1967.
“Report From Iron Mountain” by Leonard C. Lewin
“The report’s basic conclusion was that lasting peace was probably unattainable and even if it could be achieved, it would not be in the best interests of a stable society to achieve it.
This 108-page report is mind-boggling; among its startling recommendations are the following:
Create environmental hoaxes to keep people worried about ecology. [Thus the global Warming hoax]
Spend massive sums on space exploration programs.
Spend massive sums on arms-control inspection programs.
Create UFO scares of invasions by extraterrestrial enemies.
[Thus the elaborate UFO and alien hoax]
Encourage “blood games” for “social purification”.
This study was concluded in 1966. President Lyndon Johnson gave the order that the report was never to be released, due to the nature of the conclusions reached. One of the men involved in this study elected to release it to the public, at great risk to himself, under the name of John Doe. It was published in 1967 by Dial Press. The establishment promptly renounced it as a hoax. It was no hoax. Iron Mountain is not hard to obtain, and many large libraries still have copies of it.
Please note that all of these recommendations have been implemented, which tends to confirm the authenticity of the report.”
The Iron Mountain commission and report, I submit was not a hoax or satire within itself. It was just another Bilderberger type commission that went public.
20 November 1963 – Eight days later on Vietnam War advisor Walt Whitman Rostow was somehow granted a personal meeting with Kennedy to attempt to sell him on the Vietnam War with a plan he called “a well-reasoned case for a gradual escalation”. Kennedy had already rejected a similar plan to escalate the war in 1961, he had publicly announced his own plan of withdrawal from the war, but the corrupt power structure wouldn’t accept it. The meeting was Kennedy’s last chance.
22 November 1963 – President John Kennedy the pre-prepared National Security Memorandum #278 to the White House. The handlers of newly installed President Lyndon B. Johnson needed to modify the policy lines of peace pursued by Kennedy. Classified document #278 reversed John Kennedy’s decision to de-escalate the war in Vietnam by negating Security Action Memorandum 263, and the Gravel Pentagon Papers. The issuance of Memorandum 278 gave the Central Intelligence Agency immediate funding and approval to sharply escalate the Vietnam conflict into a full-scale war.
1963 – Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald – Ruby dies in jail of mysterious illness.
27 November 1963 – An interview was conducted and article was published this date in the New York Republic. It was written pm by Jean Daniel, foreign editor of L’Express which was a French newspaper. He reports that he had made a recent trip to the U.S. and then to Cuba, which enabled him to establish in effect a dialogue between President Kennedy and Premier Fidel Castro. He first interviewed JFK and then presented his views to “Dr. Castro”. He was to return for a second interview with JFK after having heard Dr. Castro’s remarks on U.S. Policy. From reading Dr. Castro’s comments, it is apparent that those who would even begin to believe that Castro was remotely responsible for the Assassination of JFK is ALL WET. General de Gualle felt that communism in Cuba was only the accidental and temporary form of the will to be independent from the United States. In any case, when questioned, JFK was quite emphatic.
Quote: “I will tell you this: We know perfectly what has happened in Cuba, to the unhappiness of all of us. I have followed personally since the beginning, the evolution of these events with grave concern. There are few matters to which I have devoted so much attention. The conclusions that I have drawn go much further than the European analyses.”
“I think that there is not a country in the world including all the regions of Africa, and including any country under colonial colonization, the humiliation, the exploitation have been worse than those which ravaged Cuba, the result in part of the policy of my country, during the regime of Batista. I think that we spawned, constructed, entirely fabricated, without knowing it, the Castro movement. I think that the accumulation of such errors has endangered all of Latin America. The Alliance for Progress has no other aim than to reverse this disastrous course.”
“In a certain sense, it is as though Batista were the incarnation of some of the sins committed by the United States. Now we must pay for those sins.” The New York Republic and Jean Daniel published this double interview on November 27, 1963. The New York Times published it on December 11, 1963. “
JFK: “There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot” Pres. JF Kennedy – 7 Days before his assassination.
JFK: “For we are opposed around the world by a MONLITHIC AND RUTHLESS CONSPIRACY that relies on Covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on Subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on Guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a Tightly Knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, Diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations”
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
— John F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961
John Kennedy found out shortly after he spoke these words that the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” was also at home in the United States. It was surely one of the causes of his assassination for in those days few knew of the treasonous behavior of Corporate and Banking Warlords. In our time, the greedy warlords are proud of what they do and the government supports them in full knowledge that transnationalism is destroying America.
Revelation 18:23 King James Version (KJV)
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
17 June 1963 – A major attack on religion was the U.S. Supreme Court decision on June 17, 1963 which held (without Constitutional precedent) that reciting the Lord’s Prayer or Bible verses in public schools was unconstitutional.
1961 – 1963 – “In 1961 the Kennedy administration ordered a top secret study, to determine the problems facing the United States if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace.
By 1963, the selection of specialists had been made. The final study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines, selected for their expertise in their respective fields. Their first and last meetings were held at an underground nuclear survival retreat called Iron Mountain.
August 1963, the Kennedy Administration (primarily Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara) commissioned a study by a group of fifteen researchers to evaluate the impact on the government of world peace and to suggest means other than war to keep the population under control.
The Special Study Group, as it was called, first met in Iron Mountain, an underground nuclear bomb shelter in Hudson, New York used by many large corporations as a survival facility. They met in secrecy at various locations throughout the country over a 2 1/2-year period. In March 1966, they wrote a secret report called The Report of the Special Study Group on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, more commonly known as The Report from Iron Mountain.
The report was not intended for public release but one of the members felt that it was too important to conceal and released a copy to Dial Press, which published it in 1967.
The report’s basic conclusion was that lasting peace was probably unattainable and even if it could be achieved, it would not be in the best interests of a stable society to achieve it.
This 108-page report is mind-boggling; among its startling recommendations are the following:
Create environmental hoaxes to keep people worried about ecology. [Thus the global Warming hoax]
Spend massive sums on space exploration programs.
Spend massive sums on arms-control inspection programs.
Create UFO scares of invasions by extraterrestrial enemies.
[Thus the elaborate UFO and alien hoax]
Encourage “blood games” for “social purification”. (WWE WrestleMania, mixed martial arts matches)
This study was concluded in 1966. President Lyndon Johnson gave the order that the report was never to be released, due to the nature of the conclusions reached. One of the men involved in this study elected to release it to the public, at great risk to himself, under the name of John Doe. It was published in 1967 by Dial Press. The establishment promptly renounced it as a hoax. It was no hoax. Iron Mountain is not hard to obtain, and many large libraries still have copies of it.
Please note that all of these recommendations have been implemented, which tends to confirm the authenticity of the report.”
The Iron Mountain commission and report, I submit was not a hoax or satire within itself. It was just another Bilderberger type commission that went public.
This report set the stage for control of the Population starting in the early 1960’s….
The Iron Mountain commission and report, I submit was not a hoax or satire within itself. It was just another Bilderberger type commission that went public
Substitutes for the Functions of War: Models
The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. That they may not have been originally set forth for that purpose does not preclude or invalidate their possible application here.
1. Economic. a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward maximum improvement of general conditions of human life.
b) A giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets.
c) A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system.
2. Political. a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies.
3. Sociological: Control function. a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model. b) A modern, sophisticated form of slavery. Motivational function. a) Intensified environmental pollution. b) New religious or other mythologies. c) Socially oriented blood games. d) Combination forms.
4. Ecological. A comprehensive program of applied eugenics.
5. Cultural. No replacement institution offered. Scientific. The secondary requirements of the space research, social welfare, and/or eugenics programs.
20 November 1963 – Eight days later on Vietnam War advisor Walt Whitman Rostow was somehow granted a personal meeting with Kennedy to attempt to sell him on the Vietnam War with a plan he called “a well-reasoned case for a gradual escalation”. Kennedy had already rejected a similar plan to escalate the war in 1961, he had publicly announced his own plan of withdrawal from the war, but the corrupt power structure wouldn’t accept it. The meeting was Kennedy’s last chance.
22 November 1963 – President John Kennedy killed by “One World” conspirators – News media reports only one gunman (Lee Harvey Oswald) – 5 bullets found from different guns. Prime, witnesses for multiple gunman theory found dead or missing. Within days of rejecting Rostow’s transparent plan for war, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who had alone dared to stand against the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve banking system, was murdered in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m. CST on, in a bloody “coup d’état”, only twenty days after Diem.
* NOTE: Jack Kennedy, during his term of office as the President of the United States, became a Christian. In his attempt to “repent,” he tried to inform the people of this Nation (at least twice) that the Office of the President of the United States was being manipulated by the Illuminati/CFR. At the same time, he put a stop to the “borrowing” of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States. It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be “assassinated.”
Upon taking the Oath of Office; Lynden B. Johnson stopped the issuing of the United States Notes and went back to borrowing Federal Reserve Bank Notes (which were loaned to the people of the United States at the going rate of interest of 17%). The U.S. Notes, that were issued under John F. Kennedy, were of the 1963 series which bore a “Red” seal on the face of the “Note.”
23 November 1963 – The day after Kennedy’s brutal murder, CIA director John McCone personally delivered the pre-prepared National Security Memorandum #278 to the White House. The handlers of newly installed President Lyndon B. Johnson needed to modify the policy lines of peace pursued by Kennedy. Classified document #278 reversed John Kennedy’s decision to de-escalate the war in Vietnam by negating Security Action Memorandum 263, and the Gravel Pentagon Papers. The issuance of Memorandum 278 gave the Central Intelligence Agency immediate funding and approval to sharply escalate the Vietnam conflict into a full-scale war.
1963 – Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald – Ruby dies in jail of mysterious illness.
27 November 1963 – An interview was conducted and article was published this date in the New York Republic. It was written pm by Jean Daniel, foreign editor of L’Express which was a French newspaper. He reports that he had made a recent trip to the U.S. and then to Cuba, which enabled him to establish in effect a dialogue between President Kennedy and Premier Fidel Castro. He first interviewed JFK and then presented his views to “Dr. Castro”. He was to return for a second interview with JFK after having heard Dr. Castro’s remarks on U.S. Policy. From reading Dr. Castro’s comments, it is apparent that those who would even begin to believe that Castro was remotely responsible for the Assassination of JFK is ALL WET. General de Gualle felt that communism in Cuba was only the accidental and temporary form of the will to be independent from the United States. In any case, when questioned, JFK was quite emphatic.
Quote: “I will tell you this: We know perfectly what has happened in Cuba, to the unhappiness of all of us. I have followed personally since the beginning, the evolution of these events with grave concern. There are few matters to which I have devoted so much attention. The conclusions that I have drawn go much further than the European analyses.”
“I think that there is not a country in the world including all the regions of Africa, and including any country under colonial colonization, the humiliation, the exploitation have been worse than those which ravaged Cuba, the result in part of the policy of my country, during the regime of Batista. I think that we spawned, constructed, entirely fabricated, without knowing it, the Castro movement. I think that the accumulation of such errors has endangered all of Latin America. The Alliance for Progress has no other aim than to reverse this disastrous course.”
“In a certain sense, it is as though Batista were the incarnation of some of the sins committed by the United States. Now we must pay for those sins.” The New York Republic and Jean Daniel published this double interview on November 27, 1963. The New York Times published it on December 11, 1963.
11 December 1963 – The New York Times published the article. President Kennedy was assassinated three weeks before this date.
1963 – Planned combat in Vietnam, for profit and provoke Russia to WWIII. Almost failed due to JFK, but JFK was assassinated due to non cooperation with the NWO and his discovery of this process involving the NWO. Robert Kennedy was also assassinated in 1968, due to his love of country and possibly winning the election, thus he had to go. Martin Luther King, because he was bringing peace to the racial hatred issues.
* NOTE: Jack Kennedy, during his term of office as the President of the United States, became a Christian. In his attempt to “repent,” he tried to inform the people of this Nation (at least twice) that the Office of the President of the United States was being manipulated by the Illuminati/CFR. At the same time, he put a stop to the “borrowing” of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States. It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be “assassinated.” Upon taking the Oath of Office; Lynden B. Johnson stopped the issuing of the United States Notes and went back to borrowing Federal Reserve Bank Notes (which were loaned to the people of the United States at the going rate of interest of 17%). The U.S. Notes, that were issued under John F. Kennedy, were of the 1963 series which bore a “Red” seal on the face of the “Note.”
1964 – “The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future.” U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in his l964 book: With No Apologies.
“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.”
~ Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
“I’d find a way to incorporate something in the graphics, usually small and out of the way — maybe a reference to the Illuminati or Freemasonry — just to f*ck with anyone who noticed it. I also liked using symbols created by John Dee, who was a 16th century alchemist and occultist, like the esoteric Monas Hieroglyphica, or just simple, but well-known things like the pentagram or the eye in the pyramid.”
~ Anonymous as told to Gabriella Garcia
(uncensored in original text)
Two sides of the same coin…
Now we have an alternative though, right? Good old “Make America Great Again” is going to “drain the swamp”, hooray!
Sadly, some people fell for this propaganda. All I’ve seen is Mr. Trump backing his massive dump truck up to the swamp and filling it with the most vile, slime covered, Golman Sucks, scum of the earth swamp creatures that we’ve seen with other puppets before him and more. He bows down to kiss the hand of Rothschild’s by supporting Israel and not only continuing, but seemingly escalating things in the middle east. The Project For The New American Century is carried forward just as it was before.
The “right wing” and the “left wing” are two wings attached to the same bird. The “New World Order” agenda of global domination and control marches on regardless of which puppet the slaves select to be their next master.
“Socialism needs two legs on which to stand; a right and a left.
While appearing to be in complete opposition to one another,
they both march in the same direction.”
— Paul Proctor
Now……..The Truth!!!!!
Why Trump Is Partnering With Christian Nationalists | Robert Reich
Donald Trump keeps comparing himself to Jesus. Whether he actually has a messiah complex or is just conning his supporters, he’s playing to a growing GOP faction that wants America to be a white Christian Nationalist state, with Donald Trump as a divine ruler. Be Warned.
WHAT????? HA!!!!!
Trump Talks About Jesus
Donald Trump Becomes a Christian? Did Donald Trump Get Saved? Is He a Born Again Christian?
How Trump talks about his faith: ‘God is the ultimate’
‘God is the ultimate’: How Trump talks about his faith
Trump has “great realtionship” with God
All your vote did was make you morally culpable for the atrocities being carried out in your name.
The president is nothing but a puppet on the throne for those who are really in power. Do you think maybe FDR knew a thing or two about this? They have been planning thing; New World Order.
Even a brief view into history reveals the parasitic manner in which the ruling class has infiltrated the US government to ensure that their status quo will remain. Their NWO plan will continue to unfold regardless of who the president is.
The lie is in thinking it makes a difference whether it was Bernie, Hillary, Putin, Biden or Trump all Freemasons. Trump and Biden are Jesuits.
What I found about the FIRES! You wont like it!!!
Right now! Signs foretold in the Bible & we know what’s next!
3 min clip. Full length version at
If you recognize Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have nothing to fear. Do not worry about what is coming because our God is in control. Put your faith in Christ and be ready at any moment!! He is coming soon
