The Bible does tell us about visitors from another world
The Bible does tell us about visitors from another
world—the spiritual world. First, the
Bible tells us that the world will unite under the power of the Antichrist. In
order to achieve an agreement between all the world’s religions, it would make
sense for the “uniter” to come from an entirely new source—an extraterrestrial
source. It is hard to imagine one religion becoming head of all the others,
unless new, unearthly knowledge were the source of the appeal and power of the
new “religion.” This would be in keeping with past deceptions and would be a
very effective way to deceive a large number of people.
Second, this deception could provide an answer to
the problem of earth’s origins. The scientific theory that the evolution of
life on earth was spontaneously generated still has no answer for life’s
beginnings. There is evidence for a “big
but that still doesn’t explain what caused the big bang to occur. If alien
beings arrived and gave us an extraterrestrial explanation for life on earth,
the origins of the world religions, and even the origins of our planet, it
would be very persuasive.
That said, we should not fear. The Lord has said that He will not leave us or forsake us, and that He will protect us (1 Kings 8:57; Matthew 10:31; Isaiah 41:10). Demons / angels are not omnipotent, nor are they omnipresent. Jesus said that in the end times His appearing would be like lightning—easily visible to all. He said to be wary of any being that says “I am the Christ” or any group that says “He’s over there” or “He’s in here” (Matthew 24:23-24). He said that vultures gather around a dead body, meaning that if you see a group of people gathering around someone claiming to be Christ, that person is death and a false prophet.
We should be wary of any person or being that produces signs and wonders without biblical fidelity or the presence of obedience to the Lord Jesus, anyone who provides a way to unite the world religions or governments (Revelation 13:5-8), any being that promotes unnatural sexual relationships (Genesis 6:4; Jude 1:6-7), and of course, any person who denies that Jesus is God (2 John 1:7). Furthermore, anyone who presents a “substitute” Jesus, who represents Him as “a god but not the God” or who claims He was merely a good teacher, simply a human, or even a super-human or an alien creature, is a deceiver.
Lastly, if demons manifesting as aliens are part of the end times, we should
remember that they, too, are created beings subject to a sovereign God and
ultimately answerable to Him. Whether in alien form or not, the descriptions of
demons in Revelation are frightening (Revelation
9:1-12), but we should not fear those who can only kill
the body. Instead, we should only fear the One who can kill the body and the
soul in hell (Matthew 10:28). No matter what
happens to us on the earth, we should trust that the Lord is the Savior,
Redeemer, and Protector of the souls of those who put their trust in Him (Psalm
there such things as aliens or UFOs?”
First, let’s define “aliens” as “beings capable of
making moral choices, having intellect, emotion, and a will.” Next, a few
scientific facts:
1. Men have sent spacecraft to nearly every planet
in our solar system. After observing these planets, we have ruled out all but
Mars and possibly a moon of Jupiter as being able to support life.
2. In 1976, the U.S.A. sent two landers to Mars.
Each had instruments that could dig into the Martian sand and analyze it for
any sign of life. They found absolutely nothing. In contrast, if you analyzed
soil from the most barren desert on earth or the most frozen dirt in
Antarctica, you would find it teeming with micro-organisms. In 1997, the U.S.A.
sent Pathfinder to the surface of Mars. This rover took more samples and
conducted many more experiments. It also found absolutely no sign of life.
Since that time, several more missions to Mars have been launched. The results
have always been the same.
3. Astronomers are constantly finding new planets in
distant solar systems. Some propose that the existence of so many planets
proves that there must be life somewhere else in the universe. The fact is that
none of these has ever been proven to be anything close to a life-supporting
planet. The tremendous distance between Earth and these planets makes it
impossible to make any judgments regarding their ability to sustain life.
Knowing that Earth alone supports life in our solar system, evolutionists want very
badly to find another planet in another solar system to support the notion that
life must have evolved. There are many other planets out there, but we
certainly do not know enough about them to verify that they could support life.
So, what does the Bible say? The earth and mankind
are unique in God’s creation. Genesis
teaches that God created the earth before He even created the sun, the moon, or
the stars. Acts 17:24-26 states that “the God
who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and
does not live in temples built by hands…he made every nation of men, that they
should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and
the exact places where they should live.”
Originally, mankind was without sin, and everything
in the world was “very good” (Genesis
When the first man sinned (Genesis
the result was problems of all sorts, including sickness and death. Even though
animals have no personal sin before God (they are not moral beings), they still
suffer and die (Romans 8:19-22). Jesus Christ
died to remove the punishment that we deserve for our sin. When He returns, He
will undo the curse that has existed since Adam (Revelation
21–22). Note that Romans
8:19-22 states that all of creation eagerly waits for this
time. It is important to also note that Christ came to die for mankind and that
He died only once (Hebrews 7:27; 9:26-28;
If all of creation now suffers under the curse, any
life apart from the earth would also suffer. If, for the sake of argument,
moral beings do exist on other planets, then they also suffer; and if not now,
then someday they will surely suffer when everything passes away with a great
noise and the elements melt with fervent heat (2
Peter 3:10). If they had never sinned, then God would be
unjust in punishing them. But if they had sinned, and Christ could die only
once (which He did on earth), then they are left in their sin, which would also
be contrary to the character of God (2
Peter 3:9). This leaves us with an unsolvable paradox—unless,
of course, there are no moral beings outside of the earth.
What about non-moral and non-sentient life forms on
other planets? Could algae or even dogs and cats be present on an unknown
planet? Presumably so, and it would not do any real harm to any biblical text.
But it would certainly prove problematic when trying answer questions like
“Since all of creation suffers, what purpose would God have in creating
non-moral and non-sentient creatures to suffer on distant planets?”
In conclusion, the Bible gives us no reason to believe that there is life elsewhere in the universe. In fact, the Bible gives us several key reasons why there cannot be. Yes, there are many strange and unexplainable things that take place. There is no reason, though, to attribute these phenomena to aliens or UFOs. If there is a discernable cause to these supposed events, it is likely to be spiritual, and more specifically, demonic, in origin.
aliens were proved to exist, how would that discovery impact the Christian
We do not believe that aliens
exist. The Bible gives us no reason to believe that there is life elsewhere in
the universe; in fact, the Bible gives us several key reasons why there cannot
be. However, that has not stopped theologians, astronomers, and science fiction
fans and writers through the years from contemplating the “what ifs” long and
hard. The debates have narrowed down where the problems would arise, if
the existence and discovery of extraterrestrial life could be proved.
Those who contemplate the existence of aliens and the
impact their existence would have on the Christian faith commonly discuss the
identity and work of Jesus. God sent His only begotten Son, God incarnate,
to save mankind and redeem creation. Does that redemption include life on other
planets? Or would God have manifested Himself on those other planets, as well
(in the manner of Aslan in Narnia)?
Does “only begotten” mean “only physical representation”? Or is it more
limited, referring only to the human species?
Another consideration: would an otherworldly,
sentient, advanced life form sin and need redemption in the same way we do?
Human life is in the blood (Leviticus
17:11). Where is the life of these hypothetical aliens?
And what would have to be sacrificed to save them? Could the shedding of Jesus’
human blood save silicon-based glass creatures whose sin was melting and
reforming themselves into unnatural shapes?
Another topic of discussion concerning the existence
of aliens and Christianity is what it means to be made in the “image of God.”
Since God has no physical body, we take this to mean a reflection of God’s
non-physical aspects—rationality, morality, and sociability. Would aliens, if
they exist, embody the same characteristics?
One issue rarely broached is the impact of young
earth creationism on the discovery of alien life. It is conceivable, if highly
unlikely, that the geological pyrotechnics that took place during the global
flood could have spewed a bacteria- or lichen-tainted stone all the way to Mars
where it found shelter in a misty canyon. But any life form more complicated or
farther out would be much harder to harmonize with a literal reading of Genesis
Could demons have taken trees and shrubs and rodents and bugs to another planet
with an environment similar to Earth’s? Possibly. But without the Spirit’s
blessing of life, it’s unlikely any of it would have survived. Parallel
creations? Maybe. The Bible does not mention them.
Considering what we know about space and life and
the world as the Bible portrays it, we already have an explanation for
so-called alien activity on Earth. Reports of “close encounters” describe the
ethereal, transient, deceptive, and malevolent. Accounts also record that
encounters with supposed aliens can be stopped by a real, authentic call to
Jesus. Everything points to the activity of demons, not extraterrestrials. In
fact, it is plausible that the “powerful delusion” spoken of in 2
Thessalonians 2:11 will involve an alien-abduction
theory to explain away the rapture.
The “discovery” of alien life would have no effect on genuine Christianity. The Bible stands as written, no matter what secular theories are advanced or discoveries are claimed. The Bible says the earth and mankind are unique in God’s creation. God created the earth even before He created the sun, moon, or stars (Genesis 1). Yes, there are strange and inexplicable things that take place. There is no reason, though, to attribute these phenomena to aliens or UFOs. If there is a discernable cause to these events, it is spiritual or, more specifically, demonic in origin. In the final analysis, all conjecturing about what would happen to our faith if aliens were proved to be real falls under the category of “godless chatter” and “foolish and stupid arguments” that we are warned against (2 Timothy 2:16, 23).
is God going to send a strong delusion in the end times?”
The Bible makes it
clear why God is sending a strong delusion in the end times: “They perish
because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God
sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all
will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in
wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God
sends a strong delusion to those who choose not to believe the gospel of
Christ. Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn.
It is a person’s choice whether to accept and
believe the truth of Jesus Christ as presented in the Scriptures. To receive
the truth and the love God offers is in keeping with its teachings, “This is
love for God: to obey His commands” (1
John 5:3). Conversely, to know the truth and not obey it is to face the
wrath of God: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the
godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness” (Romans
1:18). Frankly speaking, there is no more dangerous condition for man than
to know the truth and refuse to obey it. To do so is to harden the heart and
make God’s condemnation sure.
When one knows the truth and refuses to obey it, he
is subject to any lie, any deception, any untruth that humanity can conjure up.
“For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him nor gave thanks to Him,
but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools” (Romans
1:21-22). Paul goes on in the next few verses to describe the mindset and
behaviors of those who disbelieve (see Romans
1:29-31). As a result of human foolishness and arrogant disdain of the
things of God, “God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to
be done” (Romans
1:28). And correspondingly, “Although they know God’s righteous decree that
those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very
things, but also approve of those who practice them” (Romans
Isaiah puts it succinctly: “They have chosen their
own ways, and their souls delight in their abominations; so I [God] also will
choose harsh treatment for them and bring upon them what they dread. For when I
called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in My
sight and chose what displeases Me” (Isaiah
When people know the truth and refuse to receive it, when they refuse to obey it and hold it in unrighteousness,
2 Thessalonians 2:12
“That they all might be damned who believed not the truth,
but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
King James Version (KJV)
“God is love” (1
John 4:16). He is not some cruel monster who deliberately and inwardly
delights in preparing people for everlasting condemnation. But He earnestly and
lovingly proclaims the gospel of Christ, “not wanting anyone to perish, but
everyone to come to repentance” (2
Peter 3:9).
Throughout the Scriptures, God urges people to accept the truth. But when people reject Him and spurn His message, then—and not until then—God hardens them and turns them over to a deluded mind to wallow in their wickedness to their eternal damnation. This is what the Lord says about those who choose to reject the truth: “They greatly love to wander; they do not restrain their feet. So the Lord does not accept them; He will now remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins” (Jeremiah 14:10).
there be a great apostasy / falling away during the end times?”
The Bible indicates that there will be a great
apostasy during the end times. The “great apostasy” is mentioned in 2
Thessalonians 2:3. The KJV calls it the “falling away,” And that’s what an apostasy is: a rebellion,
an abandonment of the truth. The end times will include a wholesale rejection
of God’s revelation, a further “falling away” of an already fallen world.
The occasion of Paul’s writing to the Thessalonians
was to correct some of the errors concerning the end times that the believers
had heard from false teachers. Among the falsehoods was that “the day of the
Lord has already come” (2
Thessalonians 2:2). The Christians in Thessalonica were afraid that Jesus
had already come, they had missed the rapture, and
they were now in the tribulation.
Paul had already explained the rapture to them in his first letter (1 Thessalonians 4:16–17). Paul writes his
second letter to assure them that, contrary to what they had heard, and despite
the persecution they were enduring, the “day of Christ” had not yet come.
In 2
Thessalonians 2:3, Paul makes it clear that the day of the Lord, a time of
worldwide judgment (Isaiah 13:6; Obadiah
1:15), will not transpire until two things happen. First, the falling away,
or great apostasy, must occur. Second, the “man of lawlessness” must be
revealed, he who is called the “son of perdition,” also known as the Antichrist.
Once this person makes himself known, the end times will indeed have come.
Numerous speculations about the identity of the man of sin, beginning in the
first century, have included Caligula, Caius Caesar, Mohammed, Napoleon, and
any number of Roman popes. None of them were the Antichrist.
The man of lawlessness, according to 2
Thessalonians 2:4, is the one who “will oppose and will exalt himself over
everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in
God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.” Clearly, this has not yet
happened; no one since Paul’s time has set himself up as God in the Jewish
temple. Two thousand years have passed since the epistle was written, and the
“day of the Lord” has not yet come. Paul assures us that it will not come until
the falling away comes first.
The Greek word translated “rebellion” or “falling
away” in verse 3 is apostasia, from which we get the English word apostasy.
It refers to a general defection from the true God, the Bible, and the
Christian faith. Every age has its defectors, but the falling away at the end
times will be complete and worldwide. The whole planet will be in rebellion
against God and His Christ. Every coup requires a leader, and into this global
apostasy will step the Antichrist. We believe this takes place after the church has
been raptured from the earth.
Jesus warned the disciples concerning the final days in Matthew 24:10–12: “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” These are the characteristics of the great apostasy of the end times.
The Ascended Master Sananda/Jesus/Christ serves as the World Teacher – Impostor
Galatians 1:8-9 King James Version (KJV)
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Matthew 7:15-20 King James Version (KJV)
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Galatians 4:16
“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” |
2 Thessalonians 2:11
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 King James Version (KJV)
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Psa_104:4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:
Heb_1:7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-7 King James Version (KJV)
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
The Ascended Master Sananda/Jesus/Christ serves as the World Teacher, and was one of the greatest Spiritual Healers who walked our beloved planet Earth.
Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ – because of the fullness of manifesting the Christ Self , “Only Begotten Son of God”, Lord and Savior (Saviour), Incarnation of the Word, the Universal Christ (the Word Incarnate) , Cosmic Christ , World Savior (Saviour) , World Teacher , Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel , Avatar of the Piscean Age – the example of the Christ Consciousness that was to have been out pictured in that two-thousand year Dispensation, World Teacher (since January 1, 1956), Formerly – Chohan of the Sixth Ray until December 31, 1959, when beloved Lady Master Nada fully took on the Office of Chohan of the Sixth Ray, Holds the Office for this evolution of the “Only Begotten Son” – and therefore the Representative not only of that Universal Christ but also of the individual Holy Christ Self. Responsible for: Ruby Ray , Purple and Gold Ray , Resurrection Flame , Twelve Legions of Angels from the Heart of the Father/Mother God , Angels of Peace , Angels of Love , Angels of the Ruby Ray , Angels of the Purple and Gold Ray , Angels of the Resurrection Flame .
Jesus Christ is known as Sananda in the inner planes. He is the Master of the sixth ray, the ray of abstract idealism and devotion, which is indigo. During His incarnation as Jesus, He was a high priest in the order of Melchizedek and was overshadowed during His life by Lord Maitreya. He also had lives as Adam, Enoch, Jeshua, Joshua, Elijah and Joseph of Egypt. He works with Archangel Uriel to bring peace, brotherhood, service and freedom to people. Many missionaries, lawyers, public servants, social workers, blue collar workers, farmers and business people are on this ray.

Master Sananda, the Cosmic Christ,
was the Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the Ray of Brotherhood, devotion, peace and
patriotism until December 31, 1959 when beloved Master Nada fully took on the
office. Master Sananda has taken a new position as World Teacher and is in
charge of reforming today’s religions and creating a Universal Church.
According to Master St. Germain, ” . . . Master Sananda holds the office
of the personal Christ as the great exemplar of each one’s own Holy Christ
Self.” Master Sananda has the task of purifying the Christian Churches and
removing the man-made dogmas and doctrines, which have corrupted the purity of
His teachings.
During his incarnation as Jesus, He
came to teach us all that we have the power to create and heal. Jesus said,
“These and greater things than these shall you do.” (John 14:12.22)
He demonstrated God through His
healings, His crucifixion and His resurrection. On the outer plane, in the
material world, He manifested the path of the Initiate. The path of every
spiritual seeker will eventually result in the seeker’s spiritual birth,
spiritual death or death of the ego/personality/physical body and spiritual
resurrection in the Light of the Spiritual Realm.
Regardless of your religion, you may
call upon Ascended Master Sananda to aid and assist you in any area of your
life. Whether you believe He is the only Son of God, or whether you consider
him an Ascended Master Who came to earth as The World Teacher and Healer, you
may call upon Him. He, indeed, came to earth to create a new religion that
might unite men. Unfortunately, the Christian Church has distorted some of His
teachings, and has become what I personally believe was never intended,
exclusionary. I believe that Master Sananda, as Jesus, intended that the Words
of God be given in a way that would be comprehensible to, and would include,
every man, even the most common of men.
Call upon Master Sananda to awaken
within your heart the Christ Consciousness, which already burns in your
spiritual heart as a small white flame. Ask that He assist you in expanding your
awareness of the Christ Consciousness that resides within you. Ask that He
assist you in walking the path of Divinity, which He Himself walked almost two
thousand years ago. Call upon Him to heal your heart and awaken your own inner
Divine Spark.
He works with Archangel Uriel to bring peace, brotherhood, service and freedom to people.
Who is Lord Sananda

Lord Sananda is the Christ Teacher for the Earth. Lord Sananda is ever present in the Christed Realms to guide the Earth and Humanity back to the Christ Vibration. Lord Sananda is also known as Lord Sananda Kumara and is recognized in the Christed Realms as the Cosmic Christ and Head of the Collective Christ. Lord Sananda is the Cosmic Name for the one we know as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ who came to the Earth 2000 years ago to bring his message of the Power of Love to all humanity. As Head of the Collective Christ, Lord Sananda comes forth again to return his teachings to the Earth through his current messenger, Alexandriah Stahr. As such Alexandriah Stahr is known as the Voice of Lord Sananda and the Collective Christ.”
These teachings are about how to develop a Christed Relationship with Lord Sananda as your personal guide and mentor and how to be a Christed Being of Light on the Earth in human form. Lord Sananda returns to lead the way beyond 2012 into the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality. The name Lord Sananda was given to his original channel, Sister Thedra, back in the late 1950’s. Sister Thedra devoted her life to bringing forth the awareness of Lord Sananda as the Cosmic Christ and the messages He sent through her. In 1961, He allowed a picture of his appearance to be taken which is shown below.

Lord Sananda
Lord Sananda – Christ Teacher for the Earth
About Lord Sananda and the Collective Christ
Lord Sananda is Alexandriah’s primary guide along with Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command Star Team Masters. Lord Sananda is who verifies Alexandriah’s discernment when she works with clients and identifies their soul identity.
The Collective Christ is the Collective Christ Consciousness of all Beings of Light who remain loyal to Original Mother-Father Creator Source and the Divine Plan, both here on Earth and in the higher dimensions, before and since the Luciferian Rebellion. Lord Sananda is the Head of the Collective Christ which includes the Ashtar Command, Galactic Command, Intergalactic Command, now collectively referred to as the Solar Star Command, Ascended Masters of Light, Angels of Light, Elementals and Nature Spirits of Light, all Beings of Light and all Christed Souls within humanity. As the Cosmic Christ, Head of the Collective Christ and Christ Teacher for the Earth, Lord Sananda administers the Divine Plan of Original Mother-Father Creator Source for the Earth.

Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May –
(3rd Edition – revised 2019)
The Saint Germain Deception
I discovered this info 7 – 8 Years ago……notice the date “2025 AD” and 1949 AD, Alice Bailey (1880-1949) was one such ascended master Fallen Angel. She communicated with a demonic being named Master Djwhal Khul, who instructed Bailey and her followers to “prepare men for the reappearance of the Christ. This is your first duty.” (“The Externalization of the Hierarchy,” pg.614).
This will go on until AD 2025
Exposing The Satanic ‘Externalisation Of The Hierarchy’ Of Alice Bailey
Alice Bailey (1880-1949) was one such ascended master. She communicated with a demonic being named Master Djwhal Khul, who instructed Bailey and her followers to “prepare men for the reappearance of the Christ. This is your first duty.” (“The Externalization of the Hierarchy,” pg.614).
“Thus a great and new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025.”
Exposing The Satanic ‘Externalisation Of The Hierarchy’ Of Alice Bailey
2nd Corinthians 11:13-14, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
The Luciferian conspiracy began long ago when the archangel Lucifer, in his sin of pride, tried to usurp control over God’s throne. Isaiah 14:12-14, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Lucifer failed and was cast down to earth with one-third of the angels. Lucifer became Satan, the god of this world, and the fallen angels became demons.
The Holy Bible teaches in Ephesians 6:12 that our battle as born-again Christians is not against flesh and blood, that is, man; but rather, against the forces of darkness, “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” These demonic powers are known as the “HIERARCHY” in the occult. Certain evil people (who are demon-possessed) known as the “Ascended Masters” are able to convey messages from demons to men. Alice Bailey (1880-1949) was one such ascended master. She communicated with a demonic being named Master Djwhal Khul, who instructed Bailey and her followers to “prepare men for the reappearance of the Christ. This is your first duty.” (“The Externalization of the Hierarchy,” pg.614).
MORE ………………………….
Note: Only God knows when that will be………….
“Thus a great and new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025.”
“Thus a great and new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025. During the years intervening between now and then very great changes will be seen taking place, and at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy—held as usual every century—in 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the Externalisation of the Hierarchy. The present cycle (from now until that date) is called technically “The Stage of the Forerunner”. It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results. You can see therefore that Chohans, Masters, initiates, world disciples, disciples and aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy are all at this time passing through a cycle of great activity.
In Connection with the Council Chamber of Sanat Kumara, (Satan) the Lord of the World
As this subject concerns one of the seven goals towards which the Masters aim after They have attained the fifth initiation, it will be obvious to you that there is little that I can say about it. One of the seven Paths for which the Way of the Higher Evolution prepares the senior initiates is the Path of Earth Service. This Path, as you know, keeps the Masters attached to service in the three worlds for a period much longer than the average. It involves tremendous sacrifice. [532] Just as the disciple has to live a dual life, with one part of his reflective nature and awareness centred in the life of the Hierarchy and the other part of his mental responsiveness equally centred on life in the three worlds, and this simultaneously, so the Master, when He chooses this Path, forms a constituent part of the Council Chamber of the Lord of the World and at the same time works consciously in the three worlds, via the Hierarchy (of which He remains also a part), and with the human and subhuman kingdoms in nature. As evolution proceeds, He will work increasingly via humanity because humanity will be shouldering its responsibilities as the Macrocosm of the lesser microcosm. This dual activity entails much specialised training, and as the initiatory process becomes exoteric and men everywhere recognise it and participate in it, the training which Members of the Hierarchy also undergo will not be so secret and mysterious as it is today. But the time has not yet come to publicise it.
This energy from Shamballa (Satan is called a prince because he is a ruler and possesses power to manifest evil in the world through influencing people and commanding demons. “The air” in Ephesians 2:2 may refer to the invisible realm above the earth where Satan and his demons move and exist. This space, of course, is the location of the earth’s atmosphere or “air.” In Ephesians 6:12, Paul writes, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” This evil realm called the “air” could be an actual locality, but it could also be synonymous with the “world” of John 12:31. This whole world is Satan’s domain (Matthew 4:8–9).
— being an aspect of the ray of the destroyer, proceeded to “burn up” in the fires of destruction, all such hindrances upon the planes in the three worlds. This was the deeply esoteric and unrecognised cause of the war—the beneficent bringing to an end of the impediments to the free flow of spiritual energy down into the third centre; this was the factor which called “evil from its hidden place” and brought the opposing forces to the surface of existence, prior to their “sealing”. To the extent that this was so, mankind in the World War (1914-1945) was the unhappy victim of spiritual circumstance; however, from the angle of man’s historical past, humanity was the engineer of its own fate; but it took both the esoteric activity of Shamballa and the exoteric activity of humanity over a millennia of years to precipitate the conditions which made this new alignment possible and brought about the sealing (still being carried slowly forward), and plunged mankind into the vortex of war.
Two things must be realised as the interested student considers this event of externalisation:
1. The senior Members of the Hierarchy (Fallen Angels) will not at first be the ones who will make the needed approach. Under Their direction and Their close supervision, this approach will be made—in the early stages—by initiates of and under the degree of the third initiation, and also by those disciples who will be chosen and designated to implement Their efforts and so will work under Their direction. It is only in the later stages, and when the time has come for the return into recognised physical expression of the Christ, leading to the definite restoration of the Mysteries, that certain of the senior Members of the Hierarchy will appear and take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs. The time for this will be dependent necessarily upon the success of the steps taken by the members of the Hierarchy who are not so advanced.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 King James Version (KJV)
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Thessalonians 2:11
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”
2. Members of the Hierarchy, whether working in the early stages or later when the true externalisation takes place, will work as members of the human family and not as proclaimed members of the kingdom of God or of souls, known to us as the Hierarchy; they will appear in office of some kind or another; they will be the current politicians, business men, financiers, religious teachers or churchmen; they will be scientists and philosophers, college professors and educators; they will be the mayors of cities and the custodians of all public ethical movements. The spiritual forcefulness of their lives, their clear, pure wisdom, the sanity and the modern acceptableness of their proposed measures in any department in which they choose to function, will be so [571] convincing that little impediment will be set in the way of their undertakings.
The preparatory work of externalisation, therefore, falls into three phases or stages, as far as relation to mankind is concerned:
First. The present stage in which a few isolated disciples and initiates, scattered all over the world, are doing [572] the important task of destruction, plus the enunciation of principles. They are preparing the way for the first organised body of disciples and initiates who—coming from certain Ashrams [ashrams are not necessarily in such remote places, and a religious or spiritual guru and his/her disciples may choose any location to live. Usually representing a return to a simpler way of living with a focus on awakening and finding meaning in life, modern day ashrams have been established in the West in places such as Virginia, New York and Canada. They also are often still within the Indian lineage and they tend to focus on yoga. There, yogis who wish to deepen their practice and knowledge, may study the scriptures, meditate, practice yoga and perform karma yoga duties. The way for contact of Fallen Angels, another dimension] —
Yoga a Satanic Gateway for Demonic Possession
Will proceed with the next phase of the work……………………….
Second. The stage of the first real externalisation upon a large and organised scale will succeed upon the above endeavours. These disciples and initiates will be the real Builders of the new world, of the new civilisation; they will assume leadership in most countries and take high office in all departments of human life. This they will do by the free choice of the people and by virtue of their advanced and proven merit. By this means, gradually the Hierarchy will take over the control upon the physical plane—subjectively as well as objectively—of the direction of human affairs. This direction will be in virtue of their known and approved capacity and will not involve the imposition of any hierarchical control or authority; it will simply signify the free recognition by free people of certain spiritual qualities and effective activities which they believe signify that these men are adequate to the demanded job, and whom they therefore choose as directing agents in the new and coming world. Freedom of choice under the authority of a spiritual livingness which demonstrates competency will be distinctive of the attitude of the general public. Men will be put into high office and into positions of power not because they are disciples or initiates, but because they are wise and intelligent servants of the public, with an internal awareness, a deeply religious and inclusive consciousness, and a well-trained mind with an obedient brain.
This stage of hierarchical appearance is dependent upon the effective service of the first group of isolated and hard-working disciples who are the senior members of the New Group of World Servers and who are today working among the sons of men. This second group will take over from them, and theirs will be the task of instituting a more unified preparation for the return of the Christ. The first group prepare humanity for the possibility; the second group [573] definitely prepare for the return itself. They will build for a future which will arise out of the wreckage of the past, which wreckage they will remove; they will instill certain basic concepts anent right human relations into men’s minds. Their immediate group work, when they are coming into power and recognition, will consist of a sweetening and a clarification of the political situation and the presentation of those ideas which will eventually lead to a fusion of those principles which govern a democracy and which also condition the hierarchical method—which is somewhat different; this effort will produce a third political situation which will not be entirely dependent upon the choices of an unintelligent public or on the control which the hierarchical technique evidently involves. The mode of this new type of political guidance will later appear.
“This second group will implement the new religion; by the time they come into control the old theological activities will have been completely broken; Judaism will be fast disappearing; “Buddhism” will be spreading and becoming increasingly dogmatic; Christianity will be in a state of chaotic divisions and upheavals. When this takes place and the situation is acute enough, the Master Jesus (Fallen Angel or his name is “Sananda” ) will take certain initial steps towards reassuming control of His Church; the Buddha will send two trained disciples to reform Buddhism; other steps will also be taken in this department of religions and of education, over which the Christ (New Age) rules, and He will move to restore the ancient spiritual landmarks, to eliminate that which is nonessential, and to reorganise the entire religious field—again in preparation for the restoration of the Mysteries. These Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths, The Ecumenical Movement.
The Ecumenical Movement
The indispensable resource
The nearly 150 documents in this anthology virtually embody “the ecumenical century” and are here presented in a definitive collection for both classroom and reference.
Included in this exhaustive collection are significant passages from the most widely influential texts produced by assemblies, consultations, and statements of the World Council of Churches, carefully selected, edited, and introduced. They address the most important aspects of the ecumenical movement from its beginnings more than a century ago to today.
Groups of spiritually-minded financiers who are conscious members of an Ashram will take hold of the world economic situation and bring about great and needed changes. All these activities, built upon the preparatory work of the first group, are also preparatory in nature.
Third. The stage wherein Christ and the Masters of [574] the Wisdom can make public appearance and begin to work publicly, openly and outwardly in the world of men (Fallen Angels).
What about the other Fallen Angels?
There are other fallen angels besides Satan. God made many angels on the first
day of creation. We know that about 1/3 of the total number of angels
became sinful under Satan’s influence, before Jesus Christ was born.
“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” Rev 12:3-4
The tail of the dragon Satan casting these stars down to earth shows that they became sinful under Satan’s influence. The timing shows that this occurred before Jesus was born. That the angels are compared to the stars of heaven demonstrates that there are many angels, but only a third of the total number of angels became fallen.
The Bible details that the angels who fell did so in two waves.
The first wave occurred before the flood, and
they were imprisoned in the Abyss.
The second wave fell after the flood, and these were cast down to earth with Satan after they lost the battle in heaven.
The first wave of fallen angels
“For if
God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and
delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And
spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth [person], a preacher of
righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; And turning
the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned [them] with an overthrow,
making [them] an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly” 2
Pet 2:4-6
“And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Jude 1:6-7
It should also be noted that the term used here for these sinning angels is “aggelos”, meaning that they were of the “messenger” type of angel. As we have covered, messenger angels looked human, and were also known as “watchers” or “sons of God”.
This all seems to parallel a story found in Gen 6:
“And it came to pass, when men began to
multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That
the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they
took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit
shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days
shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in
those days and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters
of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which
of old, men of renown.” Gen 6:1-4
This story details that some messenger type angels, who are always described to look like men, took human women as wives, even in polygamy. When did this start happening? When men began to multiply and have daughters, which would indicate as early as when Adam had daughters, perhaps within 200-300 years after the fall into sin. This story also details that these fallen angels and the women had children who were giant men, the term used for them is “Nephilim”. And so these giants were on the earth from the time of those days when Adam had daughters, and after that time, up to the time of the flood when only Noah and his family were spared.
Here it is made clear that this fallen angel, the Destroyer, is confirmed to be the same one who comes out of the Abyss. This is the same Beast who this woman rides, the same Beast who has seven heads and ten horns. However, this also identifies this fallen angel as the Beast out of the Sea:
“And now in my vision I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns on its horns. And written on each head were names that blasphemed God. This beast looked like a leopard, but it had bear’s feet and a lion’s mouth! And the dragon gave him his own power and throne and great authority. I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed wounded beyond recovery–but the fatal wound was healed! All the world marveled at this miracle and followed the beast in awe. They worshiped the dragon for giving the beast such power, and they worshiped the beast. “Is there anyone as great as the beast?” they exclaimed. “Who is able to fight against him?” Rev 13:1-4
The time of Their coming will be dependent upon the success of the work undertaken by the first two groups; it is not possible for me to prophesy anent this matter. So many factors are involved: the earnest work of the two groups, the readiness and the willingness of mankind to learn, the rapidity with which the forces of restoration and of resurrection can rehabilitate the world, the responsiveness of advanced humanitarians and intelligentsia to the opportunity to rebuild, to recreate and to reorganise the factors which the new culture and the new civilisation will demand. Even the Hierarchy Itself, with all Its sources of information, does not know how long this will take, but They are ready to move at any time.
In the meantime, as the first group struggles with the immediate problem in the outer world, and the second group—still within the confines of the Hierarchy Itself—makes due interior preparation and applies to its chosen membership the needed training and the desired reorientation, the Christ and the Masters are occupied with the task of preparing for the restoration of the Mysteries. This restoration will fall into three phases and will cover and include in its symbolism all phases of human unfoldment. The story of mankind will be pictorialised. These three phases correspond broadly and in a general sense to the three degrees of the Blue Lodge in Masonry. The analogy is not entirely accurate, owing to the unavoidable degeneracy of Masonry, but with the restoration of the Mysteries, Masonry also will come into its own. These phases are:
1. The stage of a general recognition of light in all departments of human living. This is inferred in the first stanza of the new Invocation. If the ritual of the E.A. is studied in the light of this information the significance will emerge. The poor and destitute candidate emerges into the light.
2. The stage of complete economic reorientation; in this, humanity is relieved of all economic anxiety and is free to [575] receive its due wages and the right reward of all service rendered in the building of the Temple of the Lord; this building proceeds with rapidity.
3. The stage wherein the reward of light is received and the reward of service rendered; spiritual status is recognised through the medium of what is regarded as a major initiation, for which the first two initiatory degrees are only preparatory. This first great initiation will be objectively staged and the general public will recognise it as the major rite and ritual of the new religious institution of the period. This is the stage where the forces of resurrection are active, when the Lord is with His people and Christ has returned to earth. Religion is then recognised as an attitude governing all phases of human experience.
Is the Saudi Arabia New City NEOM Mystery Babylon mentioned in Revelation Prophecy?
Pope’s Speech Prepares World For Coming Antichrist Videos)
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 14:49
New Age Author Alice Bailey, the woman behind the new age religion found in the United Nations said “There is no question, therefore, that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity …
When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have … the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation.” What appears to be a simple prayer is actually echoed by NWO Pope Francis calling for “a new humanity” and insisting Christians and Muslims both “worship the one God…” Michael Snyder writes “ Pope Francis told hundreds of thousands of young people gathered for World Youth Day in Poland that they need to “believe in a new humanity” and that they should refuse “to see borders as barriers”.
“If we don’t turn back, we will go down,” Francis told reporters on Sunday on the plane returning from Colombia. Francis strongly backed the 2015 Paris agreement on reducing global warming, from which the United States withdrew this year.
Fallen Angels…………….
Great White Brotherhood
Great White Brotherhood/ Brotherhood of Light
The Great White Brotherhood
2Th_2:11 “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”
Satan is the “prince of the power of the air”. And Satan needs
that 5G to be “omnipresent”.
Ephesians 2:2
This is an entity (demon) called Lam that Aleister Crowley channeled.
“Today they call them angels and demons, tomorrow they will call them something else.” ~ Aleister Crowley
“No one will enter the New World Order unless
he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age
unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”
(David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
It is a documented fact from research that the fundamental principle of the
Satanic Illuminati is to divide different races, religions, political groups,
social classes, and nationalities, etc. and make them fight each other so they
become weak in manpower and ruined economically. The PLOT LEADS THEM TOWARDS
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”
– Brock Chisholm*, Director UN World Health Organization Director General
“The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies [marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.”
Myron Fagan
“Socialism needs two legs on which to stand; a right and a left.
While appearing to be in complete opposition to one another,
they both march in the same direction.”
— Paul Proctor
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat with demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned namely mistaking systems for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
“The First Global Revolution”, A Report by the Council of the Club
of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991.
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy
that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence –
on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on
intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies
by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources
into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines
military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political
operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are
buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure
is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
— John F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961
John Kennedy found out shortly after he spoke these words that the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” was also at home in the United States. It was surely one of the causes of his assassination for in those days few knew of the treasonous behavior of Corporate and Banking Warlords. In our time, the greedy warlords are proud of what they do and the government supports them in full knowledge that transnationalism is destroying America.
Psalm 2
1. Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 . The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel
together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
3 . Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 . He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in
5 . Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore
6 . Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7. I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this
day have I begotten thee.
8 . Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance,
and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
9 . Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces
like a potter’s vessel.
10 . Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 . Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 . Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath
is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in
him.” AKJV (God’s Holy Hill of Zion is in Heaven…not on the earth.) From
Heaven God laughs at them…they shall not succeed in their evil plans).