Prophecy Update 2021 07 18 I Need Answers
Prophecy Update 2021-07-18
“I Need Answers”
July 18, 2021 • J.D. Farag
Pastor JD provides answers to the often-asked questions pertaining to everything that’s being reported.
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As in the days of Noah,they were corrupting DNA
,so will it be in the coming of the Son of Man
Nanoparticles/Nano-Technology or Nano-Bots
Many are made of heavy Metals (gold, aluminum, Iron,Mercury)so small they can’t be seen with a microscope. Also very dangerous because they cross the blood brain barrier; as well as wreck havoc on the organs and all through out the body.
Potassium Chloride- This is used in lethal injections to stop the heart.
Since the beginning the serpent has always tried to prevent man’s pure DNA by corrupting the entire human race.
The Lord said to the serpent, “I will put enmity between your seed and her seed.” The serpent then knew that through Eve, Jesus would come.
The fallen angels in Genesis 6 had children with women and the Nephelim were born …. these Nephelim began the transhumanism in those and the majority of all flesh in Noah’s time was destroyed.
Noah was perfect in the eyes of God (his genetic code was still pure and God could continue with his plan of sending Himself in the flesh to save mankind).
Giants who fought against Israel like Goliath, Amorites, the Canaanites …. God has always fought against the infected DNA keeping humanity clean and at the same time satan is trying to destroy the pure human genetic codes. Many people carry genetic codes that can only be broken by rebirth through Jesus.
So because of carnal DNA corruption from the enemy, God allowed Israel to totally destroy certain tribes that were giants and had fallen angel DNA, Satan’s seed and God had to totally cleanse them.
Here we have the scenario that people nowadays can not connect Old testament and New testament that Jesus is the Almighty … because they do not understand how Jesus’ contrast is so great from old and new … but the fact is that God allways wanted to protect his pure human creation!!
God is not a sinister God who allows Israel to burn children and slaughter tribes because of nothing, but it was to destroy what Satan had genetically corrupted in those days!
God became flesh and saved us from the sin nature corrupted by the enemy this is why we must be born again! Jesus write our DNA in his body and we remain in him
(the spiritual Noah’s Ark)
Now it is no longer we who live but Christ in us Hallelujah!
Many carry on generation curses etc due to harmful DNA that has also been infected from sin and evil envolment and it can also be so that some ppl carry genetic DNA codes from the enemy.
Awesome what God can do, he really wanted save humans for those who want to receive his perfect LOVE through Jesus Christ.
For those who are not belivers repent and give your life to Jesus today and he will save you.
RNA coding- RNA is used to basically decode DNA, thus changing your DNA completely; Making you a Hybrid
All of these poisonous ingredients plus 5G technology(which new towers are out everywhere now) is Absolutely dangerous and deadly for Mankind. These things were NOT meant to be injected into the human body. DNA alterations merge Humanity and Technology; bringing Transhumanism (this is the abomination of Desolation which Daniel speaks about in the Word)DONT take my word for it or fall for their Sorcery; if you take it you will not be able to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven as it kills your soul Completely. Please Do your research yourself for your family
while you can. Its literally at our fingertips
Yah made us Fearfully and Wonderfully in his perfect image
Do you trust the Immune System The Most High made for you to work perfectly Or Trust the Elite with a Vaccine created to kill and destroy the humanRace?
Revelation 18:23 For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by your drug sorcery all the nations were led astray.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set-apart Spirit who is in you, which you have from Elohim, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price, therefore esteem Elohim in your body and in your spirit, which are of Elohim.
Hosea 4:6 My People are destroyed for a lack of knowledge
Vaccines and the Mark of the Beast (from 2013)
So I just saw that someone had ripped a clip from a presentation I did back in 2013 on The Prophecy Club and posted it to YouTube. Figured it might be appropriate to repost here on my channel given the current situation we are all in nowadays. Tom Horn’s book: For a longer version of this same topic (from a different lecture):
NOTE: I didn’t put the text at the end of this video, someone else did. That said, I definitely do think it’s appropriate to pray and ask YHWH for forgiveness and to accept Yeshua/Jesus Christ as your Savior. Time is short.
Luciferase Quantum Dot COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Bill and Melinda Gates Satanic Agenda
Most people don’t realize what’s happening. Fallen angels aka space aliens are trying to fool mankind into believing the oldest lie in the book. Thanks for watching! God Bless you all!!!! If you like my content and wish to see me continue making videos, please consider supporting ETP, thanks everyone. Patreon.… Paypal –
VAERS Whistleblower: “45,000 Dead From Covid-19 Vaccines Within 3 Days”, Sparks Lawsuit Against Federal Government
By captaindaretofly on • ( 29 Comments )
45,000 people have allegedly died from the Covid-19 vaccine within three days, according to a US whistle-blower, which has sparked a lawsuit against the federal government.
Thomas Renz, an attorney based in Ohio has started a lawsuit against the federal government for covering up the true number of deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines.
According to Renz, a whistle-blower – referred to as Jane Doe – who is an insider and has seen information on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) allegedly passed on the numbers and relevant information to him.
At an event hosted by Awaken America, Renz said: “We have someone that has sworn under penalty of purgery that there have been at least 45,000 deaths.”
Renz stated that whilst he cannot currently prove the information, he said that with America’s Frontline Doctors – a team of medical professionals fighting for medical freedom for Americans – he has been “empowered” to file the lawsuit in Alabama.
Allegedly, the whistleblower stated that there are around 11 VAERS systems reporting adverse reactions and deaths across the US, and one system alone has allegedly has reported the shocking 45,000 deaths from the Covid jabs.
However, Renz believes that this number is “immensely higher” and is calling for immediate investigations into the VAERS system.
“How many have really died and why are they covering it up?”, Renz told the Awaken America crowd.
The attorney said that this information and lawsuit will not be reported by the mainstream media and will likely be censored by big tech corporations like YouTube, Facebook, and Google.
Renz said that these big tech giants are “complicit in causing death”, and that he cannot wait to sue them “over and over again.”
Through his Ohio-based law firm, Renz Law, Thomas is suing the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to halt the Covid-19 vaccine rollout to children 15-years-old and younger.
The lawsuit was filed by Renz and his legal team alongside America’s Frontline Doctors against the Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) of the Covid-19 vaccines, which they state have had “no long-term studies on the impact on adults, much less children.”
Furthermore, the lawsuit challenges the legality of EUA as the law states that children must be at risk, which Renz argues that the “CDC state that children are statistically at ZERO percent mortality rate by Covid-19.”
Recent data from VAERS up to the week of July 2nd showed that 29.5% of all reported deaths in the US following the administration of the Covid-19 over the last six months and two weeks occurred in the last week.
The data showed that between December 14th, 2020, and July 2nd, 2021, a total of 438,441 adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 9,048 deaths. Compared to the previous week, this was an increase of 2,063 deaths.
However, it is known that only 1% of adverse reactions are reported, as a report commissioned by the US Department of Health stated that: “Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but under-reported.
“Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”
Therefore, it is worth noting that the adverse reaction statistics are already inaccurate as not every person who has an adverse event reports it to the relevant system. However, the question still remains as to the number of reactions and deaths which may not be released to the public by the likes of VAERS and the UK’s Yellow Card reporting system.
Whilst the shocking information revealed by the whistleblower cannot yet be proven, it will be interesting to see how the lawsuit develops and what unfolds as a result.