Mark of the Beast
WARNING this message may prick your heart, and I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit does
Now is not the time to be playing around. God is serious & He’s seriously coming back soon.
CERN The Portals are Opened
Horrific Tribulation dream.
He saw HORRIFIC TRIBULATION on the earth urgent call to rid yourselves of habitual sin NOW
Some extreme excitement right here, folks!
Those who are watching see the multitude of signs and agree that our wait is almost over. This is the season. Look up!
The TOP 20 Warning Signs That The Rapture Is Near!
Vision of the Tribulation Period- The Restrainer the Holy Spirit is gone, there’s no peace in the earth because peace/ goodness/ stability belonged to God, what is left without Him is a world filled with demonic creatures, chaos, evil, intense fear that can be felt throughout the entire earth, this is the judgment for the wicked and unbelieving, the ones who did not accept the love of the truth of Jesus & of His gospel (Re-edit and post because Tiktok Censored my last one)
PART 1/2 This is from our Sister Gloria on T.Tok @gcg2388
PART 2/2 Vision of the Tribulation Period- The Restrainer the Holy Spirit is gone, there’s no peace in the earth because peace/ goodness/ stability belonged to God, what is left without Him is a world filled with demonic creatures, chaos, evil, intense fear that can be felt throughout the entire earth, this is the judgment for the wicked and unbelieving, the ones who did not accept the love of the truth of Jesus & of His gospel
This is from our Sister Gloria on T.Tok @gcg2388
Hell is very real. Repent and believe the Gospel!!
I was a Chicago Gang Member and went to Hell after being Shot Twice – Dominic’s Testimony
Wake up before it’s to late
Barbara Herrin