Presidents are selected,

Presidents are selected.

“Presidents are selected, not elected.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

FDR knew this, but how many of you understand this?

It’s okay for a president to come out and tell you the game is rigged, but if someone like myself tried to tell you…. “oh, you’re a conspiracy nut”…. “my vote still matters”.

All your vote did was make you morally culpable for the atrocities being carried out in your name.

The president is nothing but a puppet on the throne for those who are really in power. Do you think maybe FDR knew a thing or two about this?  They have been planning thing; New World Order.

Even a brief view into history reveals the parasitic manner in which the ruling class has infiltrated the US government to ensure that their status quo will remain. Their NWO plan will continue to unfold regardless of who the president is.

The lie is in thinking it makes a difference whether it was Bernie, Hillary, Putin, Biden or Trump all Freemasons and Eastern Stars, and Netanyahu

 Trump and Biden are Jesuits.

Trump and Biden are protected. Illuminati and 33rd Freemasons. Secret Jesuit agent for Commander-in-Chief? Secret Jesuit agent Biden for Commander-in-Chief?

Secret Jesuit agent for Commander-in-Chief?

It’s always Corrupt …….  Illuminati and Freemasons

The following quotes are all from presidents, vice presidents, and the great historian Carroll Quigley who were telling us about this hidden hand. It’s not like this information is hidden. It’s right out in the open. They think that the American people are so dumbed down and brainwashed that they won’t figure it out. Again, even a brief study of politics and banking in the American 19th and 20th century alone would reveal how this works.


US elections, RIGGED Computer Programmer TESTIFIES Congressional Meeting. ELECTION FRAUD!


U.S. Presidents Are Selected Not Elected


They’re Selected Not Elected – Rothschild Hosts $100,000 A Plate Dinner For Guess Who



Actual power lies with big business and the state bureaucracy, elected representatives must do what these institutions want. If they do not obey these institutions pressure on them will mount and various disciplinary mechanisms (such as capital flight) will come into play to force them to do so. Ultimately they will be removed from office (through elections, coups, or other means) if they continue to disobey these institutions. The White House and Congress don’t really make the decisions, Wall Street and the Pentagon do. Who wins the election makes no difference (with rare exceptions) because all politicians must do what the elite want. Elections are a scam whose function is to neutralize resistance movements and dupe ordinary citizens into thinking they control the state.


Matthew 10:26

“Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.” 

Isa_5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


Ephesians 5:11-13  King James Version (KJV)

11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.


Because every conspiracy is simply a step in the outward manifestation of Lucifers determined rebellion towards God as executed by his human agents…

And……. Did you know all 44 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election.

Trump and Biden are protected. Illuminati and 33rd Freemasons. Secret Jesuit agent for Commander-in-Chief? Secret Jesuit agent Biden for Commander-in-Chief?

Secret Jesuit agent for Commander-in-Chief?


The Atlantean Conspiracy

✦ Exposing the Global Conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion

American Presidential Bloodlines


“Presidents are selected, not elected.” – Pres. Roosevelt



The “right wing” and the “left wing” are two wings attached to the same bird. The “New World Order” agenda of global domination and control marches on regardless of which puppet the slaves select to be their next master.


It Turns out Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Distant Cousins


Donald Trump Said He Never Asked God For Forgiveness.




Donald Trump Becomes a Christian? Did Donald Trump Get Saved? Is He a Born Again Christian?


‘God is the ultimate’: How Trump talks about his faith


CBS Elite Royal Bloodlines? – Why are all these guy’s related (obama, bush, kerry, chainy, mccain)?


Now we have an alternative though, right? Good old “Make America Great Again” is going to “drain the swamp”, hooray!

Sadly, some people fell for this propaganda. All I’ve seen is Mr. Trump backing his massive dump truck up to the swamp and filling it with the most vile, slime covered, Golman Sucks, scum of the earth swamp creatures that we’ve seen with other puppets before him and more. He bows down to kiss the hand of Rothschild’s by supporting Israel and not only continuing, but seemingly escalating things in the middle east. The Project For The New American Century is carried forward just as it was before.

The “right wing” and the “left wing” are two wings attached to the same bird. The “New World Order” agenda of global domination and control marches on regardless of which puppet the slaves select to be their next master.

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