Bodycam Grandma Shoots Intruder While Handcuffed to Chair During Home Robbery

Bodycam Grandma Shoots Intruder While Handcuffed to Chair During Home Robbery,vid:G3k61S4ye_0,st:0

Jenneiahn told police she woke up at 2 a.m. to a masked stranger in a military jacket pointing a gun at her while she lay in bed. She said he took her into the living room, tied her up, and pistol-whipped her before asking where she kept her valuables. While Derek Condon searched the home for items to steal, Jenneiahn dragged the chair she was handcuffed to back to her bedroom and retrieved her pistol. She then made her way back to the living room and hid the firearm. When Condon returned, he began threatening her. She lunged to grab the stashed weapon and opened fire on Condon, who collapsed after returning fire. Jenneiahn survived the shocking incident, while Condon died at the scene. Jenneiahn call 911 after 8 hours she was been shot. She waited for her disabled son to wake up at around 10am. Jenneiahn was a former member of Olympic Shooting Team and a Gun Shop Owner.

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